The Original Female mission is left out of examples that focus on opening the Heart/Love.
The Female Mission had two parts; one to discover and design what would enable those Souls coming to this new planet to thrive and two to identify the domination and usury that had entrapped our Divine Family. This is the beginning of an important conversation. Share your comments. Thanks! Sharon Riegie-
![]() We, women in the U.S.A., have a tendency to walk around in a stupor. We talk of being privileged, of being safe, of being blessed while the power over our bodies, our food, our air, our children, our time has been taken from us. You think not? Who dictates your health care? Who decides if GMO foods are labeled? Who gets a pass when fracking destroys water or when lead laced water is sent into your home? Who benefits when the cancers in female reproductive systems run rampant? Who decides whether you have time off work and who decides that your work efforts are of worth less then men? A valuable friend of mine who helped women in Russia claim their place in the politics of that country said, “When you are not at the decision making tables, you are the meat!” Well, my sisters, we have been the meat for way too long.Why do you think that women have been so targeted over the ages? Why have we been beaten down, laughed at, discounted? Who has benefited because women are not at the decision making tables in GREAT numbers? Look around you and see the devastation of corporations gone wild, the human trafficking, rape, murder, poisoning and double speak. You see the end results of domination and you see the total lack of the values, visions and voices of the women who create Good for those they love. ![]() ”Let us repeat the first evolution points for the Souls in a Female body suit as held in the Chakra System: “First - Causal: It is at this chakra before birthing that a soul re-evaluates the plans. I could be called Control Central. When the plans are accepted the causal is activated like flipping a light switch and the birth process begins. Each Soul has had final say over the body suit, the life plans, the Sacred contracts and planned purpose. For those birthing in a Female body, that includes acceptance of the Greater Mission for the entire Galactic Family. “Second - Feet: The energy flows through the top of the head, down the midline of the body through her body systems and through the feet chakra to firmly ground her to Earth. One Law on this planet is that Divine Souls in physical body suits have the say as to what transpires here. That is doubly true for the Female. At the beginning, the Female body suit carried no marks to allow Outsiders to own her. This gives the female the authority to speak and remove Outsiders from Earth and beyond. “Third -Earth: The energy for the Female is grounded into our Mother, the Earth. This is her stability, her foundation and her connection to the unlimited energy that Earth has for our support in our Earth walk. Here is where the Female anchors solidly within the roots of her sisters. “Fourth - Base: Once the Female has the resonance with Earth, her evolution moves to naturally activate the base chakra. Her she looks out over this new planet to consider what will be needed to allow her family and community to thrive. This is her place to choose all that would cause the Souls on mission to thrive and be abundant. This is the point of The Architect. Fifth - Creative/Sexual: After building a relationship with the Earth and designing systems for Greatest Good, female energy moves to the creative chakra. Here she learns to create from energy with simply a word. Here she becomes very aware that she has created the sees for what shows up in her life. She develops a keen sense of accountability for her word. Sixth - Solar Plexus: It is at this point that the power to sense evil is activated. This center holds the ability to discern what constricts life and what expands life and is the most important point on a female’s mission. She knows how the Law of Manifestation works on Earth and that her ideas become physical. She recognizes any constricting, sabotaging, limiting forms are from Outsiders. With the authority to remove it to its home of origin, keeps her space safe and her heart naturally opens. ![]() “Now, consider. “Before Earth, a soul plans and prepares to design systems and to architect cultures. Coming into a Female Body Suit, she will have the creative genius and the mandate to bring Good into being. " She knows that by practicing manifestation, she will gain clarity as how hardened forms came from an unseen word on this new planet. At the Solar Plexus she will learn to discern energy emerging from Good intent and that manifesting from intent to Dominate, Use, Destroy, Entrap, etc. With this knowledge, the Female is charged with the authority, afforded her by the Male mission, to name and remove all domination, greed and constriction. “And then, shortly after moving through these centers, her mission is discovered and the body suits are re-engineered and replaced with Outsider suits. “Go back in time and imagine. Be a Soul prepared for the Female mission. Your excitement. Your respect for your Soul members birthing as Male to allow sovereignty for you. And then you stretch into the Physical body vehicle. “You turn on the system to connect to your off planet teams and find the communication system is fuzzy. “You work to pull the energy into your midline and to move it to connect with the Great Mother, the way is restricted. When she affirms her plans and tries to move forward, she discovers that she has birthed into a crippled body suit. ![]() “And so what is the distorted life women live in our current day?
![]() That is where women are now and have been for thousands of years. Whether you name it the fall in the Garden of Eden when women are labeled sinners and locked away from knowledge that Good and Evil exists. Or you blame the rise of Patriarchy with its forces of Occupation, women’s mission has never been completed and Humanity suffers. “You even miss the mark with the concepts that every Soul has had male and female lifetimes and therefore just need to balance the two. You assume men are assertive and women are passive. Men are to lead and women are to nurture. That is not “straight”. "Men are the heart centered nurturers whose evolutionary system has bypassed wiring to the heart. Women are the architect, the leaders whose connection to their power center was shut down. Souls chose different genders in other lifetimes because of the mission each afforded. You have all been held hostage in crippled bodies and given false purpose." Until Now! Sending such love and blessings until next week, ~ Sharon Riegie Maynard Sign up for my regular mailing list here: New offerings: Mini Mystic Luminations, via mailings: I would like to know who in your world is up to something bigger than themselves. Please send me their information at[email protected] so that I can share their work with others. |
I am Sharon Riegie Maynard