Radical Mystic Shawoman
There are several ways we can work together within the world and platform of our Divine Galactic Star Home and Earth Mission.
The information from that source is unique and freeing!
The information from that source is unique and freeing!
Spiritual Healing sessions in the TAG, Galactic System of Healing and Education
Would you like information regarding a situation or question from the unlimited field of our Divine Intelligence through readings?
Group gatherings, activities in groups are more fun!
Curious about bits of pieces of what I share?
This button will take you into the world of:The New World of the Galactic Star Family Platform. Enjoy!
Guiding You as You Restore to Your Soul is my
"Divine Assignment"
"Divine Assignment"
Just when you think that you have life figured out, something or someone can enter and quickly your life is in disarray.
All that you learned in your family, in your school classrooms, and even within your religion, is not enough for the entirety of your life's journey. At times such as hopelessness, doubt, fear, rage, deep pain, abandonment, depression, or confusion it is important to know, "Life is about seeing what needs releasing." What you have not been taught is the 'why' it is, the 'way' to solution, and the "how' to Take Back Your Life. If you are facing any degree of discomfort, pain, or anxiety, then this site is for you! |
Want a free one on one 30 minute conversation?
Choose a time and we will meet! Blessings! Sharon Riegie- |
TAG Offerings
To Restore You to Your Soul's Harmonic of Wholeness
KNOW THIS, YOU cannot build a new life upon the corrupt foundations of the Corrupted Concepts and unhealed Trauma of the Past.
Healing your old personal, genetic, and group trauma within the Truth our our Star Family's agenda and Earth Mission plans allows for and supports a Healthy Life.
As a Radical Mystic Shawoman, that is what I am about.
-Sharon Riegie Maynard
Healing your old personal, genetic, and group trauma within the Truth our our Star Family's agenda and Earth Mission plans allows for and supports a Healthy Life.
As a Radical Mystic Shawoman, that is what I am about.
-Sharon Riegie Maynard
Working with