5/17/2021 0 Comments The Mother Speaks #6In 1997, I had been a major caregiver for my daugher, Carolyn, who had been in a car accident in 1995. Because my family took over her care for a week-end, I went to Doe Bay on Orcas Island, WA for a little R and R time. On my drive to the ferry, a presence appeared to me and asked to speak to me. I turned to my tried and true TAG team and Sananda to ask, "Is this someone whom I ought to hear?" I sensed a chuckle. "Well, loved one, this is Mother Gaia. You may want to hear what she has to say." As soon as I was settled, I sat. Mother Gaia spoke..... "I reach out to my daughters, my sisters, my mothers and grandmothers. I gather you all in my arms to return you to the heart, soul and power of yourselves.
"I gather you onto my lap, wrap you in protection, in invisibility, in love and in joy as I rock you and sing the songs of your beginnings. "To awaken a desire to know your beginnings you need only look into the eyes of your children and feel your heart ache for their safety. To find the courage to find your roots you need only feel the pain as you look out over the world in its rush into war and greed. To deepen your commitment to plant your feet onto the Earth and say, “No more!” you need only acknowledge the heavy sense of insanity and powerlessness many lie down with each night. Have you sensed the emptiness around you?” “Your children are ready to live in new ways. My question to all of my sisters is, ‘Are you ready to help them?’ I sat with that question before I returned to listen. You may want to consider what Mother is asking.... "Deep inside, so deep inside that it may be but a flicker, you know that things are not as they ought to be. In that deep inner place, the place that you dare not touch for fear of the pain and of the rage, you tell yourself that you must keep still. While at the same time, you know that in keeping still, you and your children will die. "In our cave, deeply hidden, in circle we wait. There are so many others with me. We are your sisters. We are together, eyes closed, heads bowed; waiting, hoping, still. We have turned ourselves off because we must. But, be assured. We are not dead. We are not despondent. We wait by choice for the moment of your awakening. We watch. We listen. And we wait. We have waited for generations. When you awaken, when you come out of your imposed stupor, when you see the loss of your true selves, our mission together can begin. "Close your eyes, quiet your mind, and sink deeply within yourself. Sit beside us. You can sense, see, and feel our circle. Breath. Be still and know your place with us.” "Notice our calm, the depth of our clarity, the absoluteness of our love, the vigilance in our quiet. Breath. Feel our energy embrace you. We hold the mission of women waiting to re-emerge. We hold the truth of our grandeur, wisdom and power. “We are not frightened, frivolous or fretful. We know we will prevail. We know that love will triumph. We know that our Greater family will walk into their Divine nobility. "Come, sit within our circle. Let our stillness permeate you until you know our space, until you become one with us. We have held the remembrance and now we invite you to step out of your drama into the remembrance. We have held truth for you. There is nowhere you need to get; this place has been with you forever. We hold space and now, we are ready to enfold you within our circle. “Listen as I, the Mother, tell your story." "My dear daughters, sisters, you have been lead down the garden path, as they say." "You have been raped, tortured, enslaved and murdered. You have been accused, searched out, hung, drowned and burned at the stake. “All this was done in the hope that you, all women, would forget who they are. Many, no most of you, have gone into the dramas and have played the roles written for you: the role of harlot, bitch, victim, witch, crazy, valueless, crazy, slave. You have cut off your sisters, turned on each other, competed for the attention of men, clawed to keep each other small, denied your value and place, and played roles assimilated to the culture of enslavement. “You have done all of these things to keep your true, precious Selves from being totally destroyed. Generation after generation you secreted away your magic. You hid them away within my stones, water, air and fire. Then, you tamped their call deep within your bones and bought the voices that discounted your intuitive wisdom and clear seeing visions. Lifetime after lifetime you locked your knowledge, boxed and hidden away within yourselves. Time after time you sided with the oppressors to still their power to destroy you. In village after village you stood in secret circles and promised to keep yourself and your sisters small in order to preserve women’s lives. And more importantly, you have played the roles to keep this secret cave undiscovered. I repeat you have played lesser roles in order to keep the secret of women and the strength of women protected. “Hear me! "You have come to believe that you are the roles. After being in the dramas of fear and cruelty used to force your mothers and grandmothers into subservience, you have come to believe you have no value. You have assumed that females are weak, are disgusting, are nothing. “The truth is that you began playing these roles to preserve the power of females. From a place of magnificence, of intelligence, of commitment you CHOSE to pretend weakness. You have put yourself through the fires of hell to protect the sacred female mission, to protect all who know the truth of sisterhood and to preserve your flicker of deep inner light until we could all rise to our mission, the mission of women to lead this world into glorious expressions of our Divine Nature. "We are telling you that the need to be false is over! The strength of your eternal intelligence, wholeness and authority has been re-membered in the highest dimensions of Light. You can no longer hold on to the false roles. It is not a matter of being strong and clear when you are ready. We are ready! All of the false masks, false protections, and false roles among women must be removed. We tell you that it is time to unplug from the dramas of false roles and subjugating systems. Unplug. We have established impermeable boundaries that provide environments for the evolution of humankind, boundaries that give you safety. "Sisters, we are ready to roar with you as lions, ready to run as wolves, ready to weave magic into the world. We are ready to wake up and move mountains! "We are the Golden Dragons holding Female Truth and YOU are one of us!" "Sisters, we are ready to roar with you as lions, ready to run as wolves, ready to weave magic into the world. We are ready to wake up and move mountains! "We are the Golden Dragons holding Female Truth and YOU are one of us!" My note: Let's stop picturing Mother Earth as a weak, powerless, hopeless "female"! As long as we imagine her as abused domestic partner hoping that an outside force will save her, we lock her from power as we in Female Bodies have felt locked away from our power and authority. Gaia is not waiting, we can join in any way at any time... What is she saying to you? My note: Let's stop picturing Mother Earth as a weak, powerless, hopeless "female"! As long as we imagine her as abused domestic partner hoping that an outside force will save her, we lock her from power as we in Female Bodies have felt locked away from our power and authority. Gaia is not waiting, we can join in any way at any time... What is she saying to you?
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Sharon Riegie Maynard
Walking Upright In YOUR Authenticity REQUIRES that you Heal Your Maternal Ancestors. |