1/18/2016 0 Comments The Drawing That Activated it All
Everything has an energy vibration, When your are feeling content, full of joy, loving, your presence sings those chord harmonics and others feel and respond to them. Most individuals respond without considering why. You are a pillar broadcasting joy and others respond. ![]()
Conversely, when you are experiencing pain, sadness, fear, your presence sends those discordant harmonics and others respond. Some move away from the discomfort, whole others are drawn closer. If those who draw closer have similar emotions, your own discomfort may expand. Your field of pain is made larger, those with similar pain justify each other and an energy community if created. Some who are attracted to those in pain come to take advantage of the imbalance. Let’s call them hitch hikers or outsiders. Their intent is to feed off of the pain and to use their skills to manipulate the situation for their own advantage.
Human life has its ebb and flow, times of joy and times of sadness. Wisdom comes in to suggest understanding how to recognize your personal energy, its broadcasting, and how to assure your Good even at those time when you personal pain is triggered. One way is to create safe energy space that remains stable even when you are imbalanced. Here’s how you can create Sacred, Sovereign space. It begins with your choice to do so. Here are the steps: Say it is so:
Then gather some river/nature/garden stones with the intention that they represent your guardians. You are going to create a Sacred Space and it can be created in your home, garden, office and in imagine anywhere you would like. Here are the steps:
You can add anything else that you would like, candles, pictures, items from nature, etc.
This is your personal point of Good, Healing and Protection. Declare that your Space is a part of the Greater amazing network of the Ancients. Be involved:
Who would have guessed? The end? NO! More Codes to come… Sign up for my mailing list
![]() I was surprised, maybe shocked, when I was told that the pyramids and structures such as Stonehenge were for Our Time! They are being called by those in Spirit and the Ancient Ones, The Codes for Awakening the Phoenix! ( more in the next post.) What does that mean for you? Like me, have you looked out over our world and felt sorrow at the lack of connections, generosity, joy, rich heart-felt and honest conversations for solution? Words like “we are one” echo down hollow corridors and fall flat at the edge of refugee camps, at the feet of rape victims, at the doors of prisons filled with pain, by hospital beds filled with disease and within permeating poverty entrapping families. As Future Ones, we are witnesses of Divine plans gone awry, of Divine Natures discounted and of the Cancer of Greed and Abuse. Our hope for a Shift back to the Harmonics of Good is being sorely tried. Now, in your imagination, breath and float back millennia and look through the eyes of an Ancient One. Sense yourself in her body, look down and see her feet. As you lift your eyes, sense her presence in circle with others. Feel arms around waists, hands entwined. ![]() Their harmonic is We Are One. We are of Good IS their heartbeat. Sense the depth of respect and joy as you look into their eyes. Witness them as they consider the possible futures. Notice the twinkle in their eyes as if they know a secret. Quietly, we Future Ones, listen. We hear their clarity. We hear their greatest wish for this planet, to provide GOOD and complete removal of all domination and greed agendas. Their question? Will humanity make it happen? Feel their great desire for an easy clearing of such destructive forces even as they hold a deep knowing that difficulties may arise. Let their deep determination that their Future Families WILL return to the Oneness of Joy, of Generosity, of Good seep into your bones. And now to why their eyes twinkle. The Ancient Ones are intelligent, powerful, compassionate beings. They would not let such a critical outcome, life or death, be left to chance. In secret they are laying powerful contingency plans. In your imagination see a table in the center of the room, a large map laid on it. An Ancient One steps forward, smooths the map and turns to the group. One by one the Ancients come closer and ponder the surface as they point to locations critical for this plan. Here will be a pyramid, here will be a circle of stones, here will be a cavern of crystals, here will be a forest, and here a deep hidden waterway. Far back in time, these Ancient Ones are preparing a network, a network to hold Codes of Return, confident of the power they are embedding. Their plans include many physical forms. They will imprint Codes within each to be activated if the Future Ones find themselves on the edge of destruction. In the instant of activation forms be alive with frequencies and create an extensive broadcasting system. Broadcasting vibrations of our Original Divine Harmonic, our Original Agenda and the clearing frequency of Sovereignty into our Unlimited Field of Energy. Codes to Return are the secret embedded within a network of Nature for our time. The Ancient Ones are calling them the Codes for Awakening the Phoenix! It’s sounds will begin with a low hum, a vibration, a call that awakens the longing for community, valuing, respect, generosity and compassion. It is a hum that awakens humanity to remember. When you feel it stir something deep within, listen, trust and say “Yes!” this is who I Am! This is Who Humanity Is! The vibrations of the Codes will increase in speed and gradually speak louder, call stronger. When you hear them you must have the courage to drop all that does not bring Good to All. Drop labels, separations, judgments, bullying, harming, neglecting, discounting, fears, doubts. Let them fall like the leaves of a tree in Autumn. ![]() The Codes of Return broadcasting from pyramids, circles, stonehenge, caverns, deep waters, tree groves will call. An acknowledgement, a word and the entire system responded with, “And it is so!”Listen. “Yes! Remember!” they are saying, Activated? Yes! And a simple drawing caused it all. And Next week... the drawing! Join my email list and get ongoing information! 1/11/2016 0 Comments Activating CodesThis breaking news is monumental. I plan to send weekly newsletters until all I have been given regarding the Codes is shared. For this series I will begin with some foundational information. The beginning determines and gives understanding to what will follow. So, bear with me. All knowing, intelligent, all Loving, everywhere present. Remember the qualities that were attributed to the "god" of your youth? Sounds to me, from my adult, grown up experiences, like Energy. What about Reclaiming Energy will return Humanity to their true Place in the Web of Good? It is an exploration that is needed now more than ever. Energy is everywhere present, contains all Intelligence, all Knowing, all Love (I prefer to use the term GOOD as Love is only one aspect of the greater expanse of GOOD) and is unlimited, we hope, having no beginning and no end. Humanity lives within a transparent field of Energy. Air is one way we have used understand this field. It is within this Energy field that we have life. The idea that Energy is the field that holds us constantly and evenly is a very different concept than a 'god' who is in charge and determining our worthiness. How like our times in which black is labeled white, war is peace, toxins add value is it to have this great life giving field of Energy co-opted to become a limited controlling entity called “god”, a Being who will hand out rewards on conditions of obedience and worship. Energy is unlimited, and equally available to every entity in the Web of Life. And it isn’t worship or obedience that causes Energy to respond to human kind. It is “word”. Word in the form of symbols, sounds, numbers, imagination, emotions is what imprints Energy with unique frequencies. And by Law those imprinted frequencies naturally cause the field to respond, amplify, broadcast and attract like vibrations. The Law requires the “word's" imprint in the unseen to become a form in our emotional body, our mental body, and in the frequency ranges that we discern as physical with our sight, sound, smell, feel, and touch. When the end result appears in the physical, we call it “Real”. Forgetting the very basicl Law of Manifestation we neglect to ask, “What beyond these physical result is the “word” that is cause?" And so we have trained ourselves to assign the cause to “god” and wonder why worship and obedience isn’t enough to stop the de-volution of life around us. In that model, the only answer is to worship and obey harder and get out of physical life quickly because surely ‘heaven’ is better. We, the Future Ones, have forgotten what the Ancients knew. Everything in the world and/or life today is the end result of a “word”. Everything! They knew the unfortunate truth, there were "words" of domination, of usury, of greed, violence, deceit and trauma uttered into the Original Energy Field of all GOOD, i.e. intelligence, love, wisdom, respect, equity. They were not uttered by our Soul Families and yet the Futures Ones, you included. would become trapped in the emotional, mental, physical forms of these words from invading agendas. They knew that not all Beings on this planet were coming from agendas that would benefit the Web of Life. And the Ancients knew that as long as those old words and imprints remained, Earth experiences would continually deteriorate. The Ancients saw this would happen. They knew the situation in a way we are only beginning to consider. We Future Ones have thought that when others realigned to Love they would become part of the solution. The Ancients knew that not all Beings on this planet were Love/Good motivated. Those Beings committed to domination and greed are living their ‘truth”, their agendas, just on the wrong planet. Until they were removed back to their homes in which domination, control, greed, usury began and their "words" causing deterioration cleared from our Energy field of Life, life continues to decline for the entire Web. And so the Ancients planned for us, the Future humanity. Over the millenniums they put in place structures that were so intricately designed and placed that when the time was right they would be activated for Good. Their codes would create frequencies and cause a powerful vibrational broadcasting Web that would reach into the core of the Earth and rise to include earth’s outer spheres. Beginning at their lowest frequency, the codes will cause a slow rise until fully broadcasting the Original Harmonics of our Divine Home and Our Divine Agenda, Good for all in the Web of Life.The codes are like an incredible software program going into the greatest Living system, The Energy of our Living Field of Life. In planetary terms it is Uranus squaring Saturn. Just what we are witnessing in our sky now. Uranus, the planet of sudden, spiritual insight being focused to dissolve the old domination, greed structures represented by Saturn. The question for you as one particle in the Great Web of Life is, “Will you have the strength, courage and tenacity to embrace the sudden insights of Uranus and take actions that will move you out of all structures and systems based on control, discounting, constriction to claim and create from your Soul’s yearning?"
I am here to tell you that those Ancient Structures have been activated! Myself and others were witnesses and participants of that activation. Next week I will give you specifics. In the meantime, consider what new insights Uranus is bringing to you and note where you see the controlling structures that Saturn represents. This is just the beginning of a new level of Shift. New Directions and Opportunities are calling all of us. Much Love, Sharon Riegie... If you need tools, guidance, suggestions, you can always contact me at [email protected] for a free consult and check out what I have online for self study and directions. |
I am Sharon Riegie Maynard