1/30/2017 2 Comments What Actions are Most Powerful?![]() In the early 1990’s there was a hue and cry about the use of executive orders, the ability of the President of the United States to make changes at his whim. Many in my community were signing petitions and making calls to their elected officials. I was just beginning to understand the Energy Field in which humanity, indeed all life, existed. I was more focused on the difficulties that my friends and clients were facing, the repeating patterns of sabotage and the limited nature of their lives. I was at the “affirmation” level of the New Age, Personal Growth spectrum. As my friends were becoming anxious about this executive order possibility, I was not. Wondering if I may be missing something very important, I turned to the Spiritual Teachers off planet. These Beings had offered me guidance since 1971. Their suggestions had never led me wrong. Their presence never failed to lift my Spirits during difficult days. I trusted their information because it had been tested for close to 20 years. I asked, “Am I missing clues in regard to the executive order issue? Ought I to be concerned, marching, walking petitions? Where is the best place for my focus and energy?” I “heard” a chuckle and a question. “What if the ‘right’ person was in the position of those orders?” Even back in the early 1990’s, citizens knew that our country’s leaders seemed to be out of touch with what was best for those they governed. Agendas and systems were swinging focus away from people to profits and the burden on the masses was beginning to be felt. The ‘right’ person? Sure. If that person could swing policy back to listening to and valuing people, could learn to negotiate with other world leaders, could quickly stop the destruction of lands, water and food supply. That would be a benefit. “Your role is to focus on learning and mastering the worlds of Energy. To spend time applying Universal Laws, Personal Agency, the Law of Manifestation and identifying what is keeping Humanity trapped in destructive systems. Don’t worry about the executive order issue.” And so I did what they advised. Now it is 2017. We have a Trump in the seat of President. We have dangerous men and women behind that seat whose agenda is showing up as entrapment, control, domination, separation, and no regard for the Planet that gives us life. Needless to say, I saw that it was time to go back to the Spiritual Teacher, Counselors, Healer, to ask, “What is up!” "Is this the ‘right’ person that you foresaw?" "Yes indeed”, they said. “This outcome, although not inevitable, was very likely given the awareness and consciousness of so many within the United States of America. “Remember Earth’s mission was to provide a space and culture in which the hidden concepts and presence of Outside Invading Societies would be made manifest. Don’t lose sight of that goal. "The message that there was agendas contrary to the Nature of Good that is true within the masses of Humanity, has come in many ways. Those manifestation of agendas to destroy Good can be seen throughout spoken and written history. We need not list them here. “It is the same in an individual’s life. Messages of your own entrapment, limit, sabotage , doubt, fear come into your awareness in multiple, subtle ways. If an individual does not get that the discomfort is a message of their own inner patterns, the pattern will manifest in bigger ways until there is a 2x4 smack to the side of the head. “The 2x4 is inevitable because of the Law of Manifestation if the smaller messages are not heard and the patterns that caused the pain healed/transformed/eliminated. “Trump is the 2x4 for the citizens of there USA. He will continue to make 2x4 hits and the question will be, will citizens get the message?” "What will happen next?", I asked. "It depends. Remember, we are speaking from a much larger picture than many on Earth hold. We are speaking of the greater mission, beyond comfortable living. The real message is, Will humanity wake up to a consciousness of the reality that Outsiders and their agendas of Control, Domination, Usury exist and are now taking form, creating systems, demolished all that would cause life for those in the USA to thrive? “Or will the citizens continue to life under any concept that excuses, normals, suggests negotiating with, encourages powerlessness, instead of naming the insanity of the Outsider’s Agenda?” Then I asked, "What can individuals do even if they have no or little understanding of what you are sharing?"
“REMEMBER, Once you have tasted GOOD, you will know with assuredly what is NOT.”
1/26/2017 1 Comment Experiences and Ideas![]() January 17, 2017 This is a very short entry. There is so much going on in our world, so much churning in our lives, and more questions than answers. Two weeks ago I was asked a question. A simple question. "What is consciousness and your contribution?" With 30+ years of experiences, I had to sort through lots of material and possibilities. Pondering, evaluating, considering, wondering, and I had not place to stand. If I could only share one concept, which area would bring most benefit for others.searched for a place to stand. Spiritual Guidances, Boundaries, Spiritual Insights, Women's Mission, Spiritual Energy Healing, Presence of Parasitic and Hitchhiker infiltration? Finally I found a place to begin. What would I want to share with My Grandchildren? Of course, that could not be done in 1 webinar. It did lead me to the idea for short interactive videos. Sooooo, I am sharing the first one with you. Here is the LINK.. Always I love your input and feedback! Take your place in Shifting our Country and World into Greater Good! Many blessings, Sharon Riegie- I am curious as to what I can do that would be most helpful to you. Would a daily or 3 x's a week short morning focus be helpful. Or, is it enough that I send my thoughts and have websites for you to visit? Please let me know. 1/26/2017 0 Comments Emergency and Awareness![]() January 19, 2017 We have the inauguration of the 45th President of the U. S. happening tomorrow. Millions are marching, have been marching, to make their voices heard for the Good of those they love, of those who suffer, of those who need encouragement and support. Most of those marching are women. I have been working in the deepest cesspools of unconscious energy for close to 30 years. What I have found is unbelievable to most people, which is as it ought to me. My mission is to see and clear that deepest regions of all energy agendas and forms that have been the Cancer within Humanity. That is not everyone's mission. The reason I am sending this extra call out today is because of what I know is possible, the Good the Bad and the Ugly. As I suggested to my close healing circles this morning, "Now is the time to imagine your body and space totally surrounded with a POWERFUL HAZ-MAT SUIT. Then, create, or re-ignite your Sacred Space of Generosity, Balance, Protection and walk with that energy cocooning you.' I suggest you do the same! This is the time to call to those Spiritual Beings, Councils, and Teams who are solid alignment to our Divine Mission of Experiencing the Good that is our Nature and Birthright. Ask them to come in close to the Earth regions, into your personal space, to surround those marching and taking actions of Good. Ask them to bring the Healing, the Culture, the Forms that are in support of that Original Divine Agenda onto our planet. Ask them to walk with us, Implement Our Spiritual Plans and keep us safe and focused on Our Deep Nature of Good. I just released episode #5 of my podcast, A Mystic's View. Why Do Women Lose The Fire of Their Passion? Here is the LINK.. Please listen. It has a powerful healing process that you can use in behalf of everyone marching and speaking out. Always I love your input and feedback! Take your place in Shifting our Country and World into Greater Good! Many blessings, Sharon Riegie- 1/26/2017 1 Comment You Were Born For These Times![]() January 25, 2017 You have probably heard or read this quote by Clarissa Pinkola Estes who wroteWomen Who Run With The Wolves. Did you nod your head with a sense of comfort and agreement? "You were born for these times." Look around you at the happening this past week in our country, the United States of America. Unbelievable things!
I woke this morning to a Washington Post alert telling of the next executive order that the Trump is planning. The headline reads,“Trump to sign executive orders enabling construction of proposed border wall and targeting sanctuary cities.” And just as I am writing this another alert, another proposed executive order with headlines, "White House draft order calls for review on use of CIA ‘black site’ prisons overseas." Are you kidding me? And then this quote comes to mind, "You Were Born For These Times." We cannot lose sight of why “we” are born, why “we” are on this planet and why “we” are witnessing this possible dismantling of our country’s vision of “Freedom” and “Voice of the People”. ![]() My concern is that “we” have been living in false stories of why we are born, why we are on this planet and why this dismantling is occurring. I want to be very simple and clear with this entry.
To acknowledge that “evil” agendas have been hidden among us. These agenda were inserted into our world by those who would use our magnificent energy for their benefit with no thought of it’s impact of Our Greater Family of Humanity or our Home of EARTH. Once we acknowledged the “evil” concepts, forms, systems, cultures are within our energy fields of LIFE, we were to NAME THIS ENERGY IN ANY FORM AS “PARASITIC.” Parasitic because it is NOT reflecting/manifesting the GOOD and BENEFIT that is inherent of the Vibrations of OUR HOME. Remember, “WE” are the Points of connections to Great, Powerful, Unlimited Teams in the world of Spirit. “WE” are the voice of authority to those TEAMS. “WE” were to speak our awareness of ANY sense of “evil” to them. The Greater Law is that “Evil” cannot remain within our Divine Energy Field”. Unless the POINTS of WITNESS and COMMAND fail to do their job! Those in physical bodies are the ones with the Voice of Authority to have changes. Permanent changes for GOOD is made by having these Outsider, Parasitic energies Removed back to their Homes of Origin. You Were Born For These Times. To experience “evil” in our world AND to name it “Outsider/Parasitic/Evil”. Most importantly, YOU were to give command to those Immense Teams in Spiritual Worlds to have these energies removed back to their HOMES OF ORIGIN. YOU are being called to MISSION.
![]() Like the Wolves, Send Your Call to the "Heavens of the Unseen Spiritual Teams." "You Were Born For These Times." Indeed, You volunteered for These Times. You Committed to be the Witness and Authority in removing ALL THAT WOULD CONSTRICT, DIMINISH OR TAKE AWAY LIFE! You are being called to STEP INTO THAT MISSION! And you are not alone! Take your place in Shifting our Country and World into Greater Good! Many blessings, Sharon Riegie- WHAT HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN ABOUT YOUR MISSION? I would love to shepherd you back into Your Magnificent Place of Soul Expression. I am offering a FREE 30 minute Clarity Call for anyone who has questions. 1/26/2017 0 Comments What Do I Do With THIS?![]() Yesterday I wrote an entry in response to the immense possibilities that our country, the USA, is facing with this new administration. I began with the quote, "You were born for these times." I was rather direct and bold in suggesting that, Yes, you were born for these times BUT, YOU have a BIGGER MISSION, than you have been told. This morning I realized that I did not want to leave you with only that newsletter. I always want to to share an answer to the question, "What can I do with this information?" Many on my newsletter list, you included, have been working to change their lives, make the world better, gain greater awareness and Be the Change, Be the Shift. You have learned about the Law of Attraction, Karma, Mediation, Yoda, BE, Affirmations, Chants, Chakra Balancing, Tapping and more. So, what do you do with the concept of “evil” amongst us? Where does “Parasitic” Energies fit within “changing your life”? How could it be that our Original Mission is “to identify anything that would constrict, destroy, diminish life rather than to manifest all facets of Love and command it’s removed to its Home of Origin?” In other words, what do you do with my sharing? Well, certainly consider that you now have a bigger, clearer picture. ![]() You have been working within the limits of boxes that say, “YOU created fear and lack. And, therefore, YOU can change it by changing your thoughts.” You have been creating steps from concepts such as “Love will change the world” or “When enough individuals wake up to Love, the entire world will shift”, etc. And you are left wondering why bad things happen to good people. Perhaps it is not that the concepts are wrong, but that they are limited, that they only give one piece of the puzzle of LIFE. You have thought that it was necessary to experience “bad” in order to know “good”. I suggest that the idea is backward. It is necessary to experience “Good” in order to identify “Bad”. It is by experiencing YOUR CONNECTION to a Greater Good, a Deeper Sense of Yourself as Joy, as Peace, and Creativity that you have a point of reference to Your Soul’s Song, Harmonic and True Nature. And, by having an experience of your Soul’s Nature, you know with greater and greater clarity when something is “off” for you. So, in order to be the Authority to name “Evil”, “Constricting”, Dominating”, “Parasitic” influences, you create strategies for connecting with, building resonance to, anchoring and deepening YOUR SOUL’S HARMONIC. You learn to recognize and humm to your OWN DIVINE NATURE. That is the value of what we have been taught about LOVE, LIGHT, AND PEACE. It is from that place of having TASTED THE ASPECTS OF GOOD, THAT YOU ARE PREPARED TO IDENTIFY WHAT IS “NOT”. It is the mission to IDENTIFY WHAT IS NOT OUR DIVINE NATURE AND HAVE IT REMOVED, that humanity has “forgotten”. It is by picking up this part of our Mission that we change the world. So, What do you do? Decide on strategies, schedule times, seek mutual alliances that inspire your experiences of Soul. Than, anchor and build your sense of YOUR DIVINE NATURE. When there is ANY "OFF" sensations, name them for the Spiritual Teams waiting clear those energies that do not belong. Say, "NOT Acceptable! Have all Parasitic/Outsider energies I am sensing removed to their HOMES OF ORIGIN." Like I wrote yesterday, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Take your place in Shifting our Country and World into Greater Good! Many blessings, Sharon Riegie- More information on my websites: Sharon Riegie Maynard Sacred Ground Academy Restored 2 Your Soul YouTube channel A Mystic's View Podcast, Episode #1 If you haven't signed up for my newsletter, here is the LINK WHAT HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN ABOUT YOUR MISSION? I would love to shepherd you back into Your Magnificent Place of Soul Expression. I am offering a FREE 30 minute Clarity Call for anyone who has questions. |
I am Sharon Riegie Maynard