9/1/2020 2 Comments Original Earth Mission![]() This was originally written in January of 1971. I thought that as we begin 2017, it would be helpful for me to share what I what I have been taught by my teacher in the unseen worlds of Spirit, as the basics for Earth Life, the Purpose, the Goal. My Spiritual Teachers tell me that life on this Physical planet is all about the Earth Mission of Sovereignty in order to restore our Divine Oneness. And here we are today, September 2020, very far from a world of Sovereignty... Our world is erupting in greater and greater situations of violence, labeling, judgment, division, and chaos. Black family members killed by police. Children feeling "in danger". Protesters killed by civilian "protectors". Women murdered by domestic partners who "love" them. Cities being destroyed displacing millions. Truthtellers being imprisoned or poisoned. You've seen or heard the news. What is UP? The Ancients Ones said in the last newsletter, "The Law of Manifestation was set in place, not to manifest parking places, new jobs, or a great relationship. The Law of Manifestation was decreed in order to know, see, name and remove the "seeds" that would manifest as domination, violence, disregard of all Good, disease, witch hunts, etc. When this plan was made, the families of Light, YOUR family of Light, knew that until the "seeds" were totally gone, removed back to their home of origin, destruction would continue. Unless all Outsider energies, forms, and lies were removed, the hosts on which the Outsiders fed would all die.... That is You, Humanity, and All Life forms. "What you are seeing in your world today is the very purpose for the Law of Manifestation.... to See, to Know, to Experience, that "Evil" exists. Having a way to know there are forces among you whose intentions are to use all that is created for the benefit of a few... Outsider agendas made manifest." And so, I am giving them the floor this morning to say more about the question, "What is UP?" ![]() The reason that the USA and the World of Humanity is experiencing these situations is because of the LAW of MANIFESTATION. This LAW is in place and will ALWAYS work. As constant as the LAW OF GRAVITY. The problem is that humanity has been tricked into thinking the LAW is only about bringing Good into form. Until that lie is removed and the true purpose of the LAW causes actions, situations of systemic domination, i.e. violence, deceit, rape, murder, destruction, disease, etc. will escalate. And what forms of destruction might you see? The true PURPOSE of the LAW OF MANIFESTATION is to:
Then the problems.
Then, those whose agenda's are to dominate, to continue the status quo, stepped in with their next form, deceit. Paint the "other" as the problem. Label "good" as "bad" through the extensive networks of information. And make no mistake, those agents of deception to control are VERY GOOD at their job. They work harder using the LAW than individuals do. Step number two, NAME the area, form, situation that feels "off" or contrary to bringing Good for all Life, has been co-opted. Like every generation in the past, step two and three are not being acted on. The seeds of domination from agenda of domination are “evil” in that they diminish and then take away life. Like Cancer. Left unnamed all life is in danger. Without humanity declaring these forms "#notacceptable", WE teams in Spirit cannot do our job. OUR JOB? We have retained power to contain, evaluate, identify, neutralize, and remove ALL traces of domination energy. We in Spiritual worlds have the plan, the knowledge, the ability. AND, it is YOU in the physical body that holds the voice of authority. Please use it! So, every time you hear of, read of, or see a manifestation that marginalizes, diminishes, harms, it is CRITICAL to hit your sacred closets and pound the ethers with the Sacred Command, NOT Acceptable, to use your tools to get to the root of the imprint and use all that we know to have it removed. We have incarnated at this time because we determined to stop systemic domination. We have been deceived in thinking that our elected leaders are the answer. It is for us, in physical bodies, to hammer the ethers of heaven with "NOT Acceptable, until the root causes are eliminated and all Parasitics removed back to their Home of Origin.. Many blessings, Sharon Riegie- We must RESTORE our Galactic Knowledge, History, and Earth Mission. Otherwise, we will continue to play on a Gameboard created by those of the Domination Agendas. If you are ready to Consider what we have lost, Join me in a FREE online conversation. HERE is the link.
I am Sharon Riegie Maynard