4/26/2016 2 Comments Building a Fire... For YOUR Life!![]()
I love to camp. The smell of a campfire, the quiet of the mountains, the fresh, crisp air. What could be better?
And, of course, a critical piece was the campfire! I remember gathering the small, dead twigs as a small girl while my dad made sure that there were "boulders" or what looked like boulders, around the edge of what would be the fire. Crumple a little paper, lay the twigs like teepees. Be very careful to keep the shape so that air could flow in and help. Only when you were old enough were you allowed to light the match and start the papers on fire. ![]() Of course, the first spark was not the end, but the beginning. Gather more twigs. Look for medium size wood. Hurry and gather more so that the fire does not die out. Remember? You had to build the fire, tend the fire, and add food to increase the size of the fire. A fire takes time and intension. You have spend 20+ years living a life. That living has created habits, established brain pathways, and has caused automatic systems to emerge. Now, you want to make some changes. You want to build from a new passion. You want to expression from your Heart. You want the freedom to live life on YOUR terms. You want a New Fire. Great! Do you have as much commitment to building this new life as you do to building a campfire? Listen to the video and leave your thoughts and comments.
Many blessings!
​Sharon Riegie-
How does the story I have been sharing with you fit into the little we know of Earth’s history? The story of our Original Agenda and Earth Plan is that Divine Families whose nature are aspects of Good came to this planet on mission. That mission was to free themselves from the ownership of Outside societies who had invaded their worlds and were imposing their agendas of Domination or forms of Usury. The Divine Families came into two body suits because Male and Female each had a unique mission/purpose. Once on this new strange planet, they respected each other, worked, valuing each mission and lived together peacefully. Their initial purpose was to explore this new type of planet while women decided what was needed for the mission force to thrive. Females designed and visioned to create environments that would cause Good for all on Mission. Then, women drew forth energy from within the Earth herself to “birth” plants, foods, shelter, etc. There was no need for spoken language, in fact, keeping communication telepathic keep their plans away from the Outsiders who were monitoring the soul in the Male body suit. This could be interpreted as a Goddess society. Women were respected for their role as givers, creators of life. They were not worshipped above men but honored. At the beginning, the Female role as giver of life was not about birthing “children”. Expanding their numbers would come after the Outsiders were totally eliminated. The Women literally designed a world of beauty, abundance, inclusion, joy, respect and all aspects of Good. It was the power of their intention that brought that world, spoken of in Christian scriptures as The Garden of Eden, into being. Did they sing, dance, pray as the means of that creation? Probably. Did men love, nurture, connect with heart strength? Yes, that was their assignment. Women designed and set policy. Men brought heart strength to nurture and to help make the design happen. As the communities flourished, were stable and life secured, the Female was called into her next phase of mission. The wise teacher/serpent called her to “taste” the manifested energy/fruits. With the Female ability and belly wisdom, she could discern if the manifested form/fruit would expand life or would constrict life. Then the Outsiders discovered the plans, i.e. the Judeo-Christian Garden of Eden and Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil Story tells the tale. At that point, the Outsiders took over their ownership of the Male. The Outsiders re-engineered the blueprint for the body suits, crippling their natural evolutionary path and mission. Then they went a step further and replaced the suits with their own design that assured subjugation of the Souls in the body suits. We became “sheep” for a much deeper reason than we have been allowed to remember. In the meantime, the Outsiders, through their right as Master, used the Male body to target and harm the Females. They did this in order to inflict damage and create a weakened, vulnerable state in the Female’s energy. Then, the Outsiders could “mark” them as owned and prevent the Females from naming the “evil” the Outsiders caused and having them removed to their Homes of Origin. What we know: About 400,000 years ago, we know that Neanderthals were on the Earth. They had a physical body suit and we have to assume that they had a Spiritual form which was the power within the suit. Just like today, they were Spiritual beings having a physical experience. The little we know about them is similar to how our Divine Family began Earth Life. The Neanderthals: retained communities with a fairly stable total number they had the ability for speech although we have no record of written/spoken language they were nomadic they lived peacefully their immune systems seem to have been stronger then ours mirroring the Female mission to identify outside forces that could deteriorate or cause disease male and female had different tasks they seemed to have worked harmoniously together they began to decline about 50,000 years ago. 40,000 years ago they were extinct there is no clear connection of evolution between the Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon, the next physical body suit The Neanderthals may well have been the foundation for the Goddess culture. The Divine Ancestress have been identified as existing between 25,000 BC and 500 AD. Most of the information and artifacts concerning the vast female religion, which flourished for thousands of years before the advent of the classical age of Greece, Judaism, Christianity, was dug out of the ground after the Second World War. Most astonishing of all was the discovery of numerous accounts of the female Creator of all existence, divinities who were credited with bringing forth not only the first people but the entire earth and the heavens above. There were records of such Goddesses in Sumer, Babylon, Egypt, Africa, Australia and China. In agreement with the generally accepted theory that women were responsible for the development of agriculture, as an extension of their food-gathering activities, there were female deities everywhere who were credited with this gift to civilization. There is a great possibility that the Neanderthals were in our Original Body Suits. What do you think? Leave some comments for conversations that can stretch our understanding. The soul incarnating as a male planned to follow his heart. The resonance and ability to identify his partners were held within his emotional center, the Heart.
His job was to nurture and empower the female as she built cultures, identified energies that constricted the Divine life glow and declared the removal of all “evil” agendas of control, greed, usury and abuse from the planet. In the Crippling, the Heart center of the male body suit was re-engineered and the energetic wiring bypassed his Heart center. Therefore, feelings did not naturally resonate. It left males blinded as to their partnerships and community. Men’s disconnect from their emotions/heart did not occur from social pressure for men to be macho. This disconnect come because the re-wiring of the etheric body pattern by those with agendas of control and usury. And so, totally prepared to love, he is told to be power, weld control and to subjugate and kill as the warrior. Prove himself as dominator and wear a gun. Anciently, the initial response when a Soul is birthed into a crippled Male body was fear and then the decision to pretend o order to survive. The games became, who has the most toys, who has the sexiest girlfriend/wife, who has pushed his way to the top, who acts macho, or how shows less emotions? When you give power to a person who is fearful, you have distorted power. Because they carried the contracts of ownership for himself and a Soul member birthed into a female body, Males were monitored. They were owned by the Outsiders who could manipulate and use them and their bodies at will. The heart pain for the male is already so great that any relationship problem can feel overwhelming. His response may be to run away, lash out, or to numb. It is not uncommon for relationships to become shaky when the woman steps from weakness into her power. Will she discover that he is really pretending? Will she leave him? Society tells us that a man is logical. No. Men go into their mind as a way to avoid or lessen heart pain. Because men carry the alliance “mark,” Outsider’s voices have kept up a chatter to discourage men from freeing themselves. These invaders are very committed to maintaining control. They walk around with male masks, hiding their true identities and letting our male family members take the blame for their cruelty and aggression. The concept of “aggressive white men”, “white occupiers” and “patriarchy as the problem” are myths. It is not our Soul members in Male bodies who have caused such havoc. It is the energy Beings with the agendas to control and use exerting their right of ownership. These Outsiders have used the Male body suits to walk amongst us, hidden from view. And our Soul members have suffered to see the destruction laid at their doorstep. I share an example, one of many. In my work in the TAG Energy sessions, I often do Past Life regressions to release a trapped aspect of a Soul. The process is Soul Integration and uses distant journeying, and telepathic communicating. A client had repeating cycles of relationship failures. The question was, “Why such ongoing heart pain and relationship emptiness. So in traveling back to discover the cause, the beginning of this pattern, her ancestor Thomas showed up. “It is mine,” he said. “My heart is breaking. My love was tortured and killed by my own hands. Her eyes of pain, of betrayal, of confusion will always be with me. I don’t understand my actions. I hate myself.” As I had his Spiritual team hold him, I went back before the murder. As I looked around, I saw Thomas with his Lydia. Young, happy, in love…. so joyful. And then I sensed the energy field of an Outsider. The agenda of this Outsider was to use others just to experience their pain. Thomas, in a Male body suit, was owned and had no sense of danger. The Outsider could slip into the body, push Thomas’s soul out, murder Lydia for the sheer pleasure, exist the body, leaving Thomas’s soul to re-enter and appear to have done this travesty. Now, remember, originally it was the Female’s ability to discern the danger of the Outsiders, name them for what they were and demand their removal. And, the Female’s body suit was crippled. Her Solar Plexus, power center, was bypassed and she had been trained to discount her sensing system. They were both left with no protection. So, as a Healer from the Future, I could step into the story line as the Outsider came toward them. As a woman with teams of Spiritual Sisters, we surrounded the couple, and declared to the Outsider, “Stop. We know who you are and you no longer have authority here!” We called in our PTO teams who have the assignment to identify, neutralize, condense and remove all Outsider energy. We turned the Outsider’s energy field in all of its constructs over to them. We transformed the old story, eliminated the entire “occupation, murder, pain and hatred of self.” My client has gone on to develop friendships, relationships and community that were not occurring before. Until women take on their original role, our world will be destroyed by the Outsiders. It did not begin with our Soul members in Male bodies. It began when women felt that they were “not enough” to stand up, thought they would have time to grow stronger and the Outsiders stepped in to cripple the body suits and use the Male body suit to crush the Female. How does that change how you look at men in your life? I’d love to have you leave a word or two in our comment community. What did this article trigger for you? Every week I send out an email with information to break down the walls that keep humanity trapped. Short, specific, empowering pieces like this one. YES! sign me up! ![]() You cannot focus on women without including men’s story in the telling. It is not because we have lived in both bodies and we need to balance. It is because each gender had a valuable mission and the missions worked together. For a long time those missions were to create foundations and secure all aspects of Good for humanity. It was perfect for thousands of years, until all %@# broke loose! We’ve talked about the Original Female mission to design space, create policy and establish a thriving culture. Then, she was to be the guardian of the culture into which the Mission force was birthed. I have suggested that Mahatma Gandhi is a good example of Female Mission. The Male mission was to stay connected to the life force of home through his Crown Chakra. At the appropriate time, his Heart Chakra would open and be his guidance system. Christ’s focus on Love and a Heart Directed life is a great example of Male Mission. How do those Missions weave together into Respectful Partnering? This is where the Ancients come in. They hold the history that causes our present situation to make sense. In the worlds we inhabited before Earth, our family had been invaded by Outsiders whose agendas were to dominate and/or to use others. Through deceit, trickery, lies and eventually violence, they had gained ownership over those of the Light and we existed within three energy cultures: Good/Light, Domination/Control and Usury/Abuse. What we see in our physical world today is a reflection of the state of slavery that existed in the Galactic worlds before Earth. Because of the Outsiders and their agendas of Domination and Usury, the Families of Light existed as enslaved Being holding on to the hope of Sovereignty. We were consciousnesses of Light heritage, yet the Outside masters had imprinted an ownership mark in our energy fields. In order to break free, Earth was planned. For the plan to work, blueprints for 2 Earth body suits were designed. One, the Male, would carry two ownership imprints and he remained a monitored target and slave. The Male body suit could be used at will by the Outsiders. (We will be talking more about this next week.) However, this left the second Earth body suit, Female, free of ownership. Because Outsider’s energy are from low vibrations, the Soul member on Male mission was safer if activities and focus was in the Higher frequencies, The Crown and Heart Chakra. Staying at the Higher Frequencies, it would appear to those monitoring as if nothing was happening on this new planet. That would keep both Male and Female safe temporarily. What the Outsiders would see is Males in meditation states. ![]() This clever plan kept the Outsiders unaware of the extreme mission of the Female to clear all Outside energies back to their home of origin. That was to be the Family’s ultimate safety. Her Mission would come restore our Divine and Sacred State of Sovereignty. So, the Male was to function from three Chakra Centers:
Once the Females had opened and activated their initial 5 Centers, the extreme Female mission would be activated and completed from here 6th center, the Solar Plexus. When the clearing of all Domination and Usury energies had been accomplished, then the Male was out of harm’s way, could eliminate the ownership imprints and work in the slower frequencies of Earth. Here is the path of the Male as defined by each chakra: First - Causal: Located at least 18 inches above the crown chakra, this chakra is the pace for the Soul to go over the life plan's before accepting them and moving into birth. "This is my body, my life and I come with planned purpose." Second - Crown: This is the connection point to Source energy as it moves through the Sun. This connection is critical for a male's mission because the Outsiders cannot access the higher vibrations. The Male holds connections to flow the re-calibrated energies into the world to strengthen and nourish. Third - Heart: The Heart center is the base for the Male's choices. It is his way of functioning and identifying what Female design resonates with his heart. Males were intended to remain at this point until the Females had completed her basic steps of connecting to the Earth, looking from the Base chakra to identify needs, working with the creative, manifesting chakra to create a design and bringing that design into reality and then activating the next step of her mission at the Solar Plexus. That is the power center for Females to discern what energies will expand Good and what energies will cause greater constrictions, dominations and usury. According to the Divine Plan, once the Females had used their authority to cleanse the Divine Family's energy fields of all Outsider energy, the Male was safe to connect to the Earth and work with the Great Mother. You can compare the two paths by reviewing this blog about the Female unfoldment. ![]() Consider that the Male Mission is to nurture, to be Heart centered, to be Heart guided and to bring strength and commitment to the one whose designs make his heart sing. How does that change how you look at men in your life? I’d love to have you leave a word or two in our comment community. That word? “What did this article trigger for you? Every week I send out an email with information to break down the walls that keep humanity trapped. Short, specific, empowering pieces like this one. YES! sign me up! Click here.... |
I am Sharon Riegie Maynard