In my last newsletter I shared the results of the August survey. You can review it HERE.
Then, I made this note: One of the most important things to know about Earth life is The Law of Manifestation. The Law was created to accomplish the purpose set for Earth Mission. Yes, this is a mission. The Law of Manifestation is simple. Whatever energy "seeds" are in the living bio-field, whether that bio-field is of an individual's, of a group, of an organization, or of humanity, those "seeds" cannot remain hidden. They MUST impact the energy fields around them to cause "plants and fruits" to MANIFEST in resonance to the "seeds". The Law of Attraction is a small slice without the power of the full Law of Manifestation. What does that have to do with our world today? Now, I am going to add some insights from the Ancient Ones. Why was it necessary to have a way to know what "seeds" are in the bio-field? The Source from which The field of all Good flows could be called Home. It is a field of all Good, all Possibilities, all Power, all Knowing, all Intelligence and is Unlimited, Expansive. This immense consciousness collective is Whole and Balanced. In most regions beyond Earth, names are not used; currents, vibrations of information, qualities, harmonics, colors, numbers, formulas, etc. Unlimited ideas and possibilities float within that field like songs to be heard, danced, embraced, and then released. Those songs are without beginning and have no end. There is really no way for us to explain. However, all in that emerges in that field is from Good for Good. In those distant regions, an idea for an experiences floated through, was focused on long enough, and became a "seed", an agenda that attracted a multitude of swirling light consciousnesses. An adventure was begun that has lead to Earth. You are part of those aspects/souls of that field who gathered about an ideas for Good, have extended from that Home, and now call yourselves, humanity. What has been hidden from you in physical bodies is that there are several Galactic groups whose chosen focus was on "seeds" to dominate, to use others energy, to benefit at other's expense. Although they have been called many names, Outsiders, is an appropriate one since their agendas are contrary to Good for All. Before time was counted, these groups whispered ideas into various collective fields of Good. Deceptive ideas with a ring of "truth". Their intention was to be find a way to be invited into these amazing groups expanding Good, to move in, parasites attaching to a host. One such idea was "You are not experienced enough for this amazing journey, let us take charge and we will give you directions." "You are NOT Enough" was an Outsider insertion. Any Galactic group of Good who bought the "not enough" idea, unknowingly opened the door for these Outsider groups. When those who carried the song of domination became part of the bio-field, they planted more "seeds", grew in number and their intention to use others became the predominate culture. As the imbalance, dis-ease within the field expanded, they hid and pointed to various members of the original Galactic group as the "cancer", the "cause" of the problem. In the distant energy world/regions, it was difficult to identify the vibrational songs of the Outsiders. They deceived, they mind controlled, they quickly shifted in and out of areas leaving destruction, violence, and great dis-ease in their wake. Like the host attached by any parasitic group, the Divine Families of Good where diminishing, their Light frequencies were dimming. They/You/We were in deep trouble because of the Outsider's presence. After numerous tries to identify and remove the Outsiders failed, their presence was overwhelming the Galactic families of Light. Unless these parasitics were identified and removed, the families of Light would flicker out. Hence, a new home that would allow energy harmonics to slow down enough to be known. A physical world. And, a decree that would require ALL energy harmonics to slow down and become visible, The Law of Manifestation. The Law of Manifestation was set in place, not to manifest parking places, new jobs, or a great relationship. The Law of Manifestation was decreed in order to know, see, name and remove the "seeds" that would manifest as domination, violence, disregard of all Good, disease, witch hunts, etc. When this plan was made, the families of Light, YOUR family of Light, knew that until the "seeds" were totally gone, removed back to their home of origin, destruction would continue. Unless all Outsider energies, forms, and lies were removed, the hosts on which the Outsiders fed would all die.... That is You, Humanity, and All Life forms. What you are seeing in your world today is the very purpose for the Law of Manifestation.... to See, to Know, to Experience, that "Evil" exists. Having a way to know there are forces among you whose intentions are to use all that is created for the benefit of a few... Outsider agendas made manifest. And to go into the real purpose of Seeing that Evil exists, which is to have them and all that they have formed removed back to their own homes of origin. We can only do that with the help of those in our unseen worlds. The teams assigned for this identification and removal work is called the PTO team collectives. HERE is more information. You can use decrees such as:
We strongly encourage you. Instead of being angry, powerless, or victimized, use your voice and sight for its original intention.... to see Outsider expressions and have those with greater sight evaluate what of all that is present, is Outsider harmonics holding it in place. By removing the Outsiders and their weavings, the cultures and forms of systemic domination will dismantle. The Ancient Ones....
August 3, 2020
Rather than assume that I knew what I could offer to bring benefit to those on my mailing list, I sent a Survey out to ask. I choose to be in relationship, in community, in respectful interactions rather then living in a model of someone, me, knowing what others need. Collaborations expand insights, sparks creative living, and opens greater solutions. I love the wonderful answers, questions and insights that came in. Here are the Results of the Mastery of Life Survey Question #1: Are you having a difficult time staying balance and calm?
Question #3: What do you want from my emails?
Question #4: What is challenging you?
Question #5: Would you be interested in an ongoing community that is building from a view of life based on what my spiritual teachers shared?
Question #6: Would you be interested in the growing variety of zoom circles within my work?
Question #7: What would make my emails valuable to you?
Question #8: Do you have an idea or project you would like to share within a collaborative community or teaching platform? What is it?
Question #9: What did I not ask that you would like to share?
These will guide my emails during the next 6 months. Thank you so much for taking your time to complete the survey. Sharon Riegie Maynard |
I am Sharon Riegie Maynard