10/15/2016 0 Comments What a Week and What Has Changed?![]() It is a overcast, rainy and very windy day here on Whidbey Island, WA. I went out a few hours ago to bundle the long canes of my domesticated blackberries and tie them together on a in-ground peg. They were just whipping around and getting their leaves bruised. Now, they are all tucked in and weathering the storm quite well. This week-end we, on the the Pacific Northwest Coast of the USA, are being “warned” that there will be a very big and dangerous storm with high, high winds,.We are being told to get food, have gas in the car, be ready for power outages, etc. Well, I have taken a different tack, as usual. I plan to Partner with the Wind, the Air for the Good of Humanity! Just one week ago the political scene exploded over the behavior of Donald Trump in relationship to girls and women. When I commented on social media: “What is required to stop the culture of discounting, diminishing and abuse of girls and women is for women to rise up with the power of clarity and say, "Not Acceptable!" This may be the moment for we women in the USA. A a friend disagreed. She suggested that we have to change the level of our consciousness and remove Negative thoughts. That prompted a reply from me and this Blog to you. The intensity with which women were targeted from the beginning must be understood. For 30 years I have been saying that "women are the rightful LEADERS, POLICY MAKERS, and SAFE-GUARDERS for this world. That is why they have been targeted by those with agendas to control and use others. The name we have given those with that agenda is “patriarchy”. Although labels give focus, most, like “patriarchy” limits the scope of this energy agenda. The extent of the energy tentacles from these agenda committed to control, domination, usury, deceit though avenues such as fear, mistrust, greed, etc. is massive. It wafts through our world, our communities, our countries, our personal spaces like toxic gases. Indeed, we see the manifested forms in toxic food, corrupted leadership, privatization of prisons, destruction of Earth, wars, dis-ease, to name a few. ![]() The Power and Authority of Women needed to be crushed, discounted, diminished, etc. in order for control, usury, greed to exist in our world. We can point to the "witchhunts" but it began well before that and continues into our time. We are not in need of greater Male/Female "balance". We are in need of correct understanding of the Divine Assignments each gender was given. The responsibility to identify what is distractive to Self, family, community country and world and then to name that force with the voice of authority and say, “STOP! NOT Acceptable! Not in My World!: is at the core of female presence and mission on this planet. The Leadership of women is that voice and is the “missing” piece that has allowed our world to devolve to its present sate of insanity. That is the inner consciousness that women are taking back. ![]() Negative? NO! Power and Clarity! I am using the Power of Air through this Hurricane Level Storm to take my word of command throughout the USA and the world. “I recognize the behavior of Donald Trump, as a surrogate for all, as concepts, actions, behaviors of Outsiders whole agenda is to Control, Dominate, Use and Destroy. They have no Authority to be in my World! “These concepts, behaviors, actions are “NOT Acceptable” and are to Removed back to there Home of Origin.” You can learn more at these website and join in. Restored2yoursoul Youtube Playlist
I am Sharon Riegie Maynard