9/1/2020 2 Comments Original Earth Mission![]() This was originally written in January of 1971. I thought that as we begin 2017, it would be helpful for me to share what I what I have been taught by my teacher in the unseen worlds of Spirit, as the basics for Earth Life, the Purpose, the Goal. My Spiritual Teachers tell me that life on this Physical planet is all about the Earth Mission of Sovereignty in order to restore our Divine Oneness. And here we are today, September 2020, very far from a world of Sovereignty... Our world is erupting in greater and greater situations of violence, labeling, judgment, division, and chaos. Black family members killed by police. Children feeling "in danger". Protesters killed by civilian "protectors". Women murdered by domestic partners who "love" them. Cities being destroyed displacing millions. Truthtellers being imprisoned or poisoned. You've seen or heard the news. What is UP? The Ancients Ones said in the last newsletter, "The Law of Manifestation was set in place, not to manifest parking places, new jobs, or a great relationship. The Law of Manifestation was decreed in order to know, see, name and remove the "seeds" that would manifest as domination, violence, disregard of all Good, disease, witch hunts, etc. When this plan was made, the families of Light, YOUR family of Light, knew that until the "seeds" were totally gone, removed back to their home of origin, destruction would continue. Unless all Outsider energies, forms, and lies were removed, the hosts on which the Outsiders fed would all die.... That is You, Humanity, and All Life forms. "What you are seeing in your world today is the very purpose for the Law of Manifestation.... to See, to Know, to Experience, that "Evil" exists. Having a way to know there are forces among you whose intentions are to use all that is created for the benefit of a few... Outsider agendas made manifest." And so, I am giving them the floor this morning to say more about the question, "What is UP?" ![]() The reason that the USA and the World of Humanity is experiencing these situations is because of the LAW of MANIFESTATION. This LAW is in place and will ALWAYS work. As constant as the LAW OF GRAVITY. The problem is that humanity has been tricked into thinking the LAW is only about bringing Good into form. Until that lie is removed and the true purpose of the LAW causes actions, situations of systemic domination, i.e. violence, deceit, rape, murder, destruction, disease, etc. will escalate. And what forms of destruction might you see? The true PURPOSE of the LAW OF MANIFESTATION is to:
Then the problems.
Then, those whose agenda's are to dominate, to continue the status quo, stepped in with their next form, deceit. Paint the "other" as the problem. Label "good" as "bad" through the extensive networks of information. And make no mistake, those agents of deception to control are VERY GOOD at their job. They work harder using the LAW than individuals do. Step number two, NAME the area, form, situation that feels "off" or contrary to bringing Good for all Life, has been co-opted. Like every generation in the past, step two and three are not being acted on. The seeds of domination from agenda of domination are “evil” in that they diminish and then take away life. Like Cancer. Left unnamed all life is in danger. Without humanity declaring these forms "#notacceptable", WE teams in Spirit cannot do our job. OUR JOB? We have retained power to contain, evaluate, identify, neutralize, and remove ALL traces of domination energy. We in Spiritual worlds have the plan, the knowledge, the ability. AND, it is YOU in the physical body that holds the voice of authority. Please use it! So, every time you hear of, read of, or see a manifestation that marginalizes, diminishes, harms, it is CRITICAL to hit your sacred closets and pound the ethers with the Sacred Command, NOT Acceptable, to use your tools to get to the root of the imprint and use all that we know to have it removed. We have incarnated at this time because we determined to stop systemic domination. We have been deceived in thinking that our elected leaders are the answer. It is for us, in physical bodies, to hammer the ethers of heaven with "NOT Acceptable, until the root causes are eliminated and all Parasitics removed back to their Home of Origin.. Many blessings, Sharon Riegie- We must RESTORE our Galactic Knowledge, History, and Earth Mission. Otherwise, we will continue to play on a Gameboard created by those of the Domination Agendas. If you are ready to Consider what we have lost, Join me in a FREE online conversation. HERE is the link.
In my last newsletter I shared the results of the August survey. You can review it HERE.
Then, I made this note: One of the most important things to know about Earth life is The Law of Manifestation. The Law was created to accomplish the purpose set for Earth Mission. Yes, this is a mission. The Law of Manifestation is simple. Whatever energy "seeds" are in the living bio-field, whether that bio-field is of an individual's, of a group, of an organization, or of humanity, those "seeds" cannot remain hidden. They MUST impact the energy fields around them to cause "plants and fruits" to MANIFEST in resonance to the "seeds". The Law of Attraction is a small slice without the power of the full Law of Manifestation. What does that have to do with our world today? Now, I am going to add some insights from the Ancient Ones. Why was it necessary to have a way to know what "seeds" are in the bio-field? The Source from which The field of all Good flows could be called Home. It is a field of all Good, all Possibilities, all Power, all Knowing, all Intelligence and is Unlimited, Expansive. This immense consciousness collective is Whole and Balanced. In most regions beyond Earth, names are not used; currents, vibrations of information, qualities, harmonics, colors, numbers, formulas, etc. Unlimited ideas and possibilities float within that field like songs to be heard, danced, embraced, and then released. Those songs are without beginning and have no end. There is really no way for us to explain. However, all in that emerges in that field is from Good for Good. In those distant regions, an idea for an experiences floated through, was focused on long enough, and became a "seed", an agenda that attracted a multitude of swirling light consciousnesses. An adventure was begun that has lead to Earth. You are part of those aspects/souls of that field who gathered about an ideas for Good, have extended from that Home, and now call yourselves, humanity. What has been hidden from you in physical bodies is that there are several Galactic groups whose chosen focus was on "seeds" to dominate, to use others energy, to benefit at other's expense. Although they have been called many names, Outsiders, is an appropriate one since their agendas are contrary to Good for All. Before time was counted, these groups whispered ideas into various collective fields of Good. Deceptive ideas with a ring of "truth". Their intention was to be find a way to be invited into these amazing groups expanding Good, to move in, parasites attaching to a host. One such idea was "You are not experienced enough for this amazing journey, let us take charge and we will give you directions." "You are NOT Enough" was an Outsider insertion. Any Galactic group of Good who bought the "not enough" idea, unknowingly opened the door for these Outsider groups. When those who carried the song of domination became part of the bio-field, they planted more "seeds", grew in number and their intention to use others became the predominate culture. As the imbalance, dis-ease within the field expanded, they hid and pointed to various members of the original Galactic group as the "cancer", the "cause" of the problem. In the distant energy world/regions, it was difficult to identify the vibrational songs of the Outsiders. They deceived, they mind controlled, they quickly shifted in and out of areas leaving destruction, violence, and great dis-ease in their wake. Like the host attached by any parasitic group, the Divine Families of Good where diminishing, their Light frequencies were dimming. They/You/We were in deep trouble because of the Outsider's presence. After numerous tries to identify and remove the Outsiders failed, their presence was overwhelming the Galactic families of Light. Unless these parasitics were identified and removed, the families of Light would flicker out. Hence, a new home that would allow energy harmonics to slow down enough to be known. A physical world. And, a decree that would require ALL energy harmonics to slow down and become visible, The Law of Manifestation. The Law of Manifestation was set in place, not to manifest parking places, new jobs, or a great relationship. The Law of Manifestation was decreed in order to know, see, name and remove the "seeds" that would manifest as domination, violence, disregard of all Good, disease, witch hunts, etc. When this plan was made, the families of Light, YOUR family of Light, knew that until the "seeds" were totally gone, removed back to their home of origin, destruction would continue. Unless all Outsider energies, forms, and lies were removed, the hosts on which the Outsiders fed would all die.... That is You, Humanity, and All Life forms. What you are seeing in your world today is the very purpose for the Law of Manifestation.... to See, to Know, to Experience, that "Evil" exists. Having a way to know there are forces among you whose intentions are to use all that is created for the benefit of a few... Outsider agendas made manifest. And to go into the real purpose of Seeing that Evil exists, which is to have them and all that they have formed removed back to their own homes of origin. We can only do that with the help of those in our unseen worlds. The teams assigned for this identification and removal work is called the PTO team collectives. HERE is more information. You can use decrees such as:
We strongly encourage you. Instead of being angry, powerless, or victimized, use your voice and sight for its original intention.... to see Outsider expressions and have those with greater sight evaluate what of all that is present, is Outsider harmonics holding it in place. By removing the Outsiders and their weavings, the cultures and forms of systemic domination will dismantle. The Ancient Ones.... August 3, 2020
Rather than assume that I knew what I could offer to bring benefit to those on my mailing list, I sent a Survey out to ask. I choose to be in relationship, in community, in respectful interactions rather then living in a model of someone, me, knowing what others need. Collaborations expand insights, sparks creative living, and opens greater solutions. I love the wonderful answers, questions and insights that came in. Here are the Results of the Mastery of Life Survey Question #1: Are you having a difficult time staying balance and calm?
Question #3: What do you want from my emails?
Question #4: What is challenging you?
Question #5: Would you be interested in an ongoing community that is building from a view of life based on what my spiritual teachers shared?
Question #6: Would you be interested in the growing variety of zoom circles within my work?
Question #7: What would make my emails valuable to you?
Question #8: Do you have an idea or project you would like to share within a collaborative community or teaching platform? What is it?
Question #9: What did I not ask that you would like to share?
These will guide my emails during the next 6 months. Thank you so much for taking your time to complete the survey. Sharon Riegie Maynard 1/24/2020 1 Comment Impeachment and Domestic AbuseFor years I have been wearing house slippers with a leather string threaded through the upper part of the slipper to tie in the front. For all of those years, one or the other or both of the leather bows has become undone to hang onto the floor. It is a situation made for disaster. One step onto a loosened string and I would fall face first onto the floor. And yet, it was only this morning that I took out a pair of scissors and cut off the string to a safe size. What took so long? Why do we tolerate what is dangerous to us? Impeachment, on a larger scale, shows what happens within an abused person's life. She, usually a she, trusts the words of charismatic man without being assured that his words are congruent with his actions. And, because deceit may take time to appear, even with due diligence, she may link herself to him. When abuse begins, she is shocked, mis-trusts herself, "did she really see her experience correctly"? He sends roses, says, "sorry", and the undeserved loyalty takes over. She tries again. She'll do better this time, walk on eggshells to do it right. And, yes indeed, again abuse pops. She questions what she did "wrong". His words melt away her own sense of reality, she sides with him against her own best interests. Each time returns to the game with an eroded sense of reality, doubting her own experience, and the cycle continues. Abuse is normalized, her energy and self-worth are sucked away. If she does reach out, it is not unusual that when she tells others of the abuse, they reflect her own doubts, label her as "out of control" or "unbalanced". Fake news, you know. When you add the dimension of genetic patterns of trauma that are triggered, ancient inner voices of "you are not enough" ringing through her head, with none of these being addressed and healed, you have a disaster in the making. For those who work in the unseen energy fields, there is an even more dangerous component to this story, the energy and influence from outside forces whose agendas are to control and dominate, parasitic by nature. These beings thrive on energy created by abuse, doubt, powerlessness, pain, etc. They swarm to the situation anchoring in the home, on and within the bodies of the individuals. Planting themselves, they have left a clear path for others of their ilk to join them. You may find the concept that there are those in our midst, who want to own, dominate and control very uncomfortable. Those parasitic beings hope that you do. Because, if you do not identify them, their agenda, and power to escalate, we will NEVER be free of them.
The Parasitic's primary aim is to attach themselves to weakened women. A weakened women is the parasitic's "host" of choice. Keeping women, specifically, confused, lonely, believing they are 'Not Enough', removes the very ones who were intended to be the authority voice with zero tolerance for domination and control anywhere in the world. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? It is NOT the Male in Patriarchy that is the problem. The Patriarchy is the creation of the Outsider Parasitics. The Problem is that the authority voice of women was crushed along with the serpent eons ago. It is the Souls in Female body suits who have not done their job! Their lack of Presence, Safeguard, Authority allowed the situations in our world today! The impeachment gives all women the opportunity to Pick Up the Torch of Authority, And with that True Voice, to Turn To Those Intended to Help.... the unlimited teams of integrity in the Unseen Worlds, I call, the PTO. We have also been asking for change to the wrong group... elected officials in physical bodies. Turn to the Ones intended to hear the cries of those in Female bodies, the PTO teams with Archangels in the spiritual realms. Roar, Pray, Demand, to those in the unseen worlds, NO MORE, NOT Acceptable, Remove the Outsiders! During the length of the impeachment trial, we have the opportunity to continue that demand day and night around the world. How? At any sight, sense, thought, statement, or concept that feels "off" , Declare to the unseen PTO teams, "NOT Acceptable! Bring out the vacuum of removal!" Maintain that stand and declaration every minute, if necessary, until you feel an inner sense of calm. You are invited to do this during the ongoing impeachment, using the proceedings as a surrogate for ALL situations of deceit, domination, and abuse. Sisters, we, meaning our ancestral mothers, were crushed eons ago which allowed the culture of supremacy, racism, patriarchy, we see today to exist. WE are the key to removing the agendas which created this culture which will cause supremacy, racism, patriarchy to be dismantled. Do you understand? Good. Feel your roots going deep into Mother Earth to entwine in Strength of Sisterhood. From that Rooted place, Stand, Roar, Lead. More information of the PTO Sacred Ground Academy for classes ![]() Last week I went to the local DSHS office to support a friend who had questions she wanted help with. The office was small, clean and the workers were incredibly courteous and caring. As I sat in the waiting area watching her and the woman working with her, I was grateful that she had support during this phase of her life. ![]() Then, two women came into the area, both speaking Spanish. They were both in their mid-50s or 60s. As they were called to one of the service windows, it was clear that the older woman did not speak English and the other was there to translate. Again, I was impressed with the way that the staff interacted with their concerns with dignity and compassion. The next to come into the office was a young couple, maybe late teens or early 20s. She seemed to be the one needing help and he was there as support. ![]() What happened next startled me. As the couple was called to the window, a thought rolled through my mind followed very quickly by an emotion. The thought came in such a quick flash, that it had come and gone before I could "capture" it. But, the emotion associated with it startled me. The concept was that these people were less than, that they didn't deserve help, and that they were undoubtedly takers and not worth helping. And the feelings that rolled through my body were of disgust and dismissal. I sat quietly in my chair and with awareness and effort I literally demanded that the energy of that concept with its accompanying emotion be transformed. And here is the Mystic View that I want to share with you this week. We live in a "sea" of energy vibrations, most of them totally unseen. Radio waves, TV frequencies, cell phones binging, and so much more. And, human beings are constantly using energy in creating their lives. The residue is release through that energy usage like the exhaust from a car use of gasoline. The situations of trauma, fear, anger, frustration, panic, etc. create waves of vibrations that reflect those emotions and are released into the great "sea" in which we all exist. Humans do not live within consciously created spaces with boundaries to keep unwanted energy waves out. ![]() Therefore, the terror and pain that exists within Syria, just like the radiation toxicity that was release at Fukushima drifts around the planet. Those clouds create damage and harm just like "free radicals" do within our physical body suit. So, what to do? So, what to do? Become aware of your own Presence, your values, what you love, even your weaknesses. The more you know "who" you are, the more easily and quickly you will identify "who you are not". In my example, I knew myself well enough that I had not ever entertained those thoughts or feelings. Remember, knowing is the booby prize. What to do with the knowing will move you from novice, where we all begin, to master of your own life, where we want to be. And so, here is a Mystic's View that will take you beyond just knowing. The most powerful space to occupy as a Healer, a Transformer, a Change Agent, is within a physical body suit. In the physical body, in your life, you are the voice of authority. And so, sitting in that waiting room, I quickly recognized that these energies were not coming from within my system of values, step one. Step two, a Mystic or anyone who believes, knows or hopes that there is Intelligence beyond oneself in the great unseen of Source, Mystery, Greater, identifies the specific construct, "skin-head" thinking and declare firmly, "This concept and agenda is NOT Acceptable in my world!" Holding that declaration firmly in mind to broadcast into the vast energy sea will neutralize those frequencies. ![]() There are a lot of processes available that will fill your own personal "tool box". If you find yourself curious, begin your own research project. Find mentors, teachers, books, videos, etc. that will equip you to walk upright and strong. Many blessings and Thanks you for being on this journey and I'd love to hear your experience! May this help you take your place in Shifting our Country and World into Greater Good! Sharon Riegie- More information on my websites: Sharon Riegie Maynard Sacred Ground Academy Restored 2 Your Soul YouTube channel Podcast: A Mystic's View, Episode #1 ![]() I live in a state in which Scotch Broom, a plant not native to our state, is taking over highways, fields and anything in its path. Once it gets a toe-hold Scotch Broom just keeps going. Instead of adding value, Scotch Broom is dominating to the detriment of other plants. Those responsible for the original seed, did not consider the consequences. When a form appears in your world, you can know it has a beginning, it has an imprint. In the physical we call the beginning, the seed. It may appear as s situation in your life, in your thinking process, or as emotional spiral. Like Scotch Broom, these forms also have a beginning. The experience is coming from an imprint, a seed, whose beginning is in the unseen living field of ENERGY. And ENERGY is like soil, it is the medium in which all life on the planet grows and exists. No energy, no life. Like soil, energy holds imprints. In soil we call the imprints, seeds. Most individuals have not been taught to identify energy imprints regarding life experiences. Like seeds, imprints eventually root, expand and show themselves above ground like a plants. Remember the old Biblical scripture, “By their fruits, you will know them.” Yes, an apple seed will never produce an orange tree. For example, a situation of abandonment was an imprint of that vibration which is the seed for the situation. Imprints are held in the growing medium of ENERGY. They come to be there in many ways; words, thoughts, residue from situations, imagination, music, movies, stories and some by clear intention and some, unguarded, by unconscious absorption. When a form appears, a Mystic and other Awake Individuals will notice and question. The questions might be something like these:
Theirs is a wise and evolved stance, observation from a firm commitment to GOOD. Prove your worth by your actions. There are thousands of voices saying, “These concepts/ideas have appeared in the past and have brought harm. Take note.” And there are other voices being lifted up to say, “This way of way of thinking could very well bring harm.” The voice of wisdom and visionary. And then are voices saying, “We want something different. Give these individuals a chance.” Thus encouraging a liberal stand that discourages due diligence. With such a view, the wisdom, the history, the warning are all discounted and we are left with leaders who are not held accountable and could manipulate and deceive. It is one thing to “give ideas of change a chance” when they are founded on great GOOD for the entire Web of Life. It is foolhardy to use such liberal thinking where those concepts have, would or could possibly bring harm. So what does a Mystic do?
And so we have before us three forms; Betsy DeVos, Jeff Sessions, and Stephen Bannon. A Mystic would ask, are they good for our Divine Family on this earth? Have they brought Good before? Most people are saying "No, be aware." I am going to take you, with me, on a Mystic’s journey. Again, we are going to use the power of Stillness and Imagination. Letting go of labels, and judgement of what we think is possible or impossible, we will move in the quiet. Breathe and take your focus into a very still place. Sense that Divine Flow of Nature, that stream of energy that has not been tainted. Feel a sense of stability, a sense of benefit, a sense of embracing. Relax. Soak. Get to know that stream, those feeling, When I am there, I ask that Energy Field of Intelligence and Stillness, “Are these forms, these three individuals as representative of other forms in this administration, energetically, reflective of our Divine Nature of Good, Inclusive, All?" As I listen, the answer comes very clearly, “No”. And so in my mind, with the requisite of No Harm, I ask that these individuals, the imprints from which they came, the intentions swirling within their fields, the agendas they hold, the networks to which they are connected, be freeze framed. Nothing in their configurations can move forward. They are now detained in time. As a Mystic, I want to know where the energy imprints came from. What is the beginning. Going back, what happened? Back through history there have been similar forms, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Lenin. These agendas of control have been among us for a long time. But knowing that is not enough. The seed has to be extracted. I ask to be shown where to remove it and transform the stream into clear harmonics of Good. As I go back farther and am shown three distinct situations. I freeze frame them and go back even farther. Then, like I bump against a wall, a voice says, “You’re here. This is where you can make a powerful change.” I open up my view and I see a child, a young child. I see this young one growing from one to three years, to four years to five. Then, the child is 9 and the story begins. And I see an older man coming into the room in which the child is playing. The child flinches, but the child does not know why. After all, the man has a smile, and he is using words, “Come with me, let’s go do something fun.” He puts his arm around the boy’s shoulder and the boy flinches again but doesn’t know why. I am hearing, “This is grooming. This is grooming and where grooming exists, deception and usury exist. This is the seed.” Time move, the man begins to guide the boy out of the room. ![]() 1/30/2017 2 Comments What Actions are Most Powerful?![]() In the early 1990’s there was a hue and cry about the use of executive orders, the ability of the President of the United States to make changes at his whim. Many in my community were signing petitions and making calls to their elected officials. I was just beginning to understand the Energy Field in which humanity, indeed all life, existed. I was more focused on the difficulties that my friends and clients were facing, the repeating patterns of sabotage and the limited nature of their lives. I was at the “affirmation” level of the New Age, Personal Growth spectrum. As my friends were becoming anxious about this executive order possibility, I was not. Wondering if I may be missing something very important, I turned to the Spiritual Teachers off planet. These Beings had offered me guidance since 1971. Their suggestions had never led me wrong. Their presence never failed to lift my Spirits during difficult days. I trusted their information because it had been tested for close to 20 years. I asked, “Am I missing clues in regard to the executive order issue? Ought I to be concerned, marching, walking petitions? Where is the best place for my focus and energy?” I “heard” a chuckle and a question. “What if the ‘right’ person was in the position of those orders?” Even back in the early 1990’s, citizens knew that our country’s leaders seemed to be out of touch with what was best for those they governed. Agendas and systems were swinging focus away from people to profits and the burden on the masses was beginning to be felt. The ‘right’ person? Sure. If that person could swing policy back to listening to and valuing people, could learn to negotiate with other world leaders, could quickly stop the destruction of lands, water and food supply. That would be a benefit. “Your role is to focus on learning and mastering the worlds of Energy. To spend time applying Universal Laws, Personal Agency, the Law of Manifestation and identifying what is keeping Humanity trapped in destructive systems. Don’t worry about the executive order issue.” And so I did what they advised. Now it is 2017. We have a Trump in the seat of President. We have dangerous men and women behind that seat whose agenda is showing up as entrapment, control, domination, separation, and no regard for the Planet that gives us life. Needless to say, I saw that it was time to go back to the Spiritual Teacher, Counselors, Healer, to ask, “What is up!” "Is this the ‘right’ person that you foresaw?" "Yes indeed”, they said. “This outcome, although not inevitable, was very likely given the awareness and consciousness of so many within the United States of America. “Remember Earth’s mission was to provide a space and culture in which the hidden concepts and presence of Outside Invading Societies would be made manifest. Don’t lose sight of that goal. "The message that there was agendas contrary to the Nature of Good that is true within the masses of Humanity, has come in many ways. Those manifestation of agendas to destroy Good can be seen throughout spoken and written history. We need not list them here. “It is the same in an individual’s life. Messages of your own entrapment, limit, sabotage , doubt, fear come into your awareness in multiple, subtle ways. If an individual does not get that the discomfort is a message of their own inner patterns, the pattern will manifest in bigger ways until there is a 2x4 smack to the side of the head. “The 2x4 is inevitable because of the Law of Manifestation if the smaller messages are not heard and the patterns that caused the pain healed/transformed/eliminated. “Trump is the 2x4 for the citizens of there USA. He will continue to make 2x4 hits and the question will be, will citizens get the message?” "What will happen next?", I asked. "It depends. Remember, we are speaking from a much larger picture than many on Earth hold. We are speaking of the greater mission, beyond comfortable living. The real message is, Will humanity wake up to a consciousness of the reality that Outsiders and their agendas of Control, Domination, Usury exist and are now taking form, creating systems, demolished all that would cause life for those in the USA to thrive? “Or will the citizens continue to life under any concept that excuses, normals, suggests negotiating with, encourages powerlessness, instead of naming the insanity of the Outsider’s Agenda?” Then I asked, "What can individuals do even if they have no or little understanding of what you are sharing?"
“REMEMBER, Once you have tasted GOOD, you will know with assuredly what is NOT.” 1/26/2017 1 Comment Experiences and Ideas![]() January 17, 2017 This is a very short entry. There is so much going on in our world, so much churning in our lives, and more questions than answers. Two weeks ago I was asked a question. A simple question. "What is consciousness and your contribution?" With 30+ years of experiences, I had to sort through lots of material and possibilities. Pondering, evaluating, considering, wondering, and I had not place to stand. If I could only share one concept, which area would bring most benefit for others.searched for a place to stand. Spiritual Guidances, Boundaries, Spiritual Insights, Women's Mission, Spiritual Energy Healing, Presence of Parasitic and Hitchhiker infiltration? Finally I found a place to begin. What would I want to share with My Grandchildren? Of course, that could not be done in 1 webinar. It did lead me to the idea for short interactive videos. Sooooo, I am sharing the first one with you. Here is the LINK.. Always I love your input and feedback! Take your place in Shifting our Country and World into Greater Good! Many blessings, Sharon Riegie- I am curious as to what I can do that would be most helpful to you. Would a daily or 3 x's a week short morning focus be helpful. Or, is it enough that I send my thoughts and have websites for you to visit? Please let me know. 1/26/2017 0 Comments Emergency and Awareness![]() January 19, 2017 We have the inauguration of the 45th President of the U. S. happening tomorrow. Millions are marching, have been marching, to make their voices heard for the Good of those they love, of those who suffer, of those who need encouragement and support. Most of those marching are women. I have been working in the deepest cesspools of unconscious energy for close to 30 years. What I have found is unbelievable to most people, which is as it ought to me. My mission is to see and clear that deepest regions of all energy agendas and forms that have been the Cancer within Humanity. That is not everyone's mission. The reason I am sending this extra call out today is because of what I know is possible, the Good the Bad and the Ugly. As I suggested to my close healing circles this morning, "Now is the time to imagine your body and space totally surrounded with a POWERFUL HAZ-MAT SUIT. Then, create, or re-ignite your Sacred Space of Generosity, Balance, Protection and walk with that energy cocooning you.' I suggest you do the same! This is the time to call to those Spiritual Beings, Councils, and Teams who are solid alignment to our Divine Mission of Experiencing the Good that is our Nature and Birthright. Ask them to come in close to the Earth regions, into your personal space, to surround those marching and taking actions of Good. Ask them to bring the Healing, the Culture, the Forms that are in support of that Original Divine Agenda onto our planet. Ask them to walk with us, Implement Our Spiritual Plans and keep us safe and focused on Our Deep Nature of Good. I just released episode #5 of my podcast, A Mystic's View. Why Do Women Lose The Fire of Their Passion? Here is the LINK.. Please listen. It has a powerful healing process that you can use in behalf of everyone marching and speaking out. Always I love your input and feedback! Take your place in Shifting our Country and World into Greater Good! Many blessings, Sharon Riegie- 1/26/2017 1 Comment You Were Born For These Times![]() January 25, 2017 You have probably heard or read this quote by Clarissa Pinkola Estes who wroteWomen Who Run With The Wolves. Did you nod your head with a sense of comfort and agreement? "You were born for these times." Look around you at the happening this past week in our country, the United States of America. Unbelievable things!
I woke this morning to a Washington Post alert telling of the next executive order that the Trump is planning. The headline reads,“Trump to sign executive orders enabling construction of proposed border wall and targeting sanctuary cities.” And just as I am writing this another alert, another proposed executive order with headlines, "White House draft order calls for review on use of CIA ‘black site’ prisons overseas." Are you kidding me? And then this quote comes to mind, "You Were Born For These Times." We cannot lose sight of why “we” are born, why “we” are on this planet and why “we” are witnessing this possible dismantling of our country’s vision of “Freedom” and “Voice of the People”. ![]() My concern is that “we” have been living in false stories of why we are born, why we are on this planet and why this dismantling is occurring. I want to be very simple and clear with this entry.
To acknowledge that “evil” agendas have been hidden among us. These agenda were inserted into our world by those who would use our magnificent energy for their benefit with no thought of it’s impact of Our Greater Family of Humanity or our Home of EARTH. Once we acknowledged the “evil” concepts, forms, systems, cultures are within our energy fields of LIFE, we were to NAME THIS ENERGY IN ANY FORM AS “PARASITIC.” Parasitic because it is NOT reflecting/manifesting the GOOD and BENEFIT that is inherent of the Vibrations of OUR HOME. Remember, “WE” are the Points of connections to Great, Powerful, Unlimited Teams in the world of Spirit. “WE” are the voice of authority to those TEAMS. “WE” were to speak our awareness of ANY sense of “evil” to them. The Greater Law is that “Evil” cannot remain within our Divine Energy Field”. Unless the POINTS of WITNESS and COMMAND fail to do their job! Those in physical bodies are the ones with the Voice of Authority to have changes. Permanent changes for GOOD is made by having these Outsider, Parasitic energies Removed back to their Homes of Origin. You Were Born For These Times. To experience “evil” in our world AND to name it “Outsider/Parasitic/Evil”. Most importantly, YOU were to give command to those Immense Teams in Spiritual Worlds to have these energies removed back to their HOMES OF ORIGIN. YOU are being called to MISSION.
![]() Like the Wolves, Send Your Call to the "Heavens of the Unseen Spiritual Teams." "You Were Born For These Times." Indeed, You volunteered for These Times. You Committed to be the Witness and Authority in removing ALL THAT WOULD CONSTRICT, DIMINISH OR TAKE AWAY LIFE! You are being called to STEP INTO THAT MISSION! And you are not alone! Take your place in Shifting our Country and World into Greater Good! Many blessings, Sharon Riegie- WHAT HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN ABOUT YOUR MISSION? I would love to shepherd you back into Your Magnificent Place of Soul Expression. I am offering a FREE 30 minute Clarity Call for anyone who has questions. |
I am Sharon Riegie Maynard