![]() I live in a state in which Scotch Broom, a plant not native to our state, is taking over highways, fields and anything in its path. Once it gets a toe-hold Scotch Broom just keeps going. Instead of adding value, Scotch Broom is dominating to the detriment of other plants. Those responsible for the original seed, did not consider the consequences. When a form appears in your world, you can know it has a beginning, it has an imprint. In the physical we call the beginning, the seed. It may appear as s situation in your life, in your thinking process, or as emotional spiral. Like Scotch Broom, these forms also have a beginning. The experience is coming from an imprint, a seed, whose beginning is in the unseen living field of ENERGY. And ENERGY is like soil, it is the medium in which all life on the planet grows and exists. No energy, no life. Like soil, energy holds imprints. In soil we call the imprints, seeds. Most individuals have not been taught to identify energy imprints regarding life experiences. Like seeds, imprints eventually root, expand and show themselves above ground like a plants. Remember the old Biblical scripture, “By their fruits, you will know them.” Yes, an apple seed will never produce an orange tree. For example, a situation of abandonment was an imprint of that vibration which is the seed for the situation. Imprints are held in the growing medium of ENERGY. They come to be there in many ways; words, thoughts, residue from situations, imagination, music, movies, stories and some by clear intention and some, unguarded, by unconscious absorption. When a form appears, a Mystic and other Awake Individuals will notice and question. The questions might be something like these:
Theirs is a wise and evolved stance, observation from a firm commitment to GOOD. Prove your worth by your actions. There are thousands of voices saying, “These concepts/ideas have appeared in the past and have brought harm. Take note.” And there are other voices being lifted up to say, “This way of way of thinking could very well bring harm.” The voice of wisdom and visionary. And then are voices saying, “We want something different. Give these individuals a chance.” Thus encouraging a liberal stand that discourages due diligence. With such a view, the wisdom, the history, the warning are all discounted and we are left with leaders who are not held accountable and could manipulate and deceive. It is one thing to “give ideas of change a chance” when they are founded on great GOOD for the entire Web of Life. It is foolhardy to use such liberal thinking where those concepts have, would or could possibly bring harm. So what does a Mystic do?
And so we have before us three forms; Betsy DeVos, Jeff Sessions, and Stephen Bannon. A Mystic would ask, are they good for our Divine Family on this earth? Have they brought Good before? Most people are saying "No, be aware." I am going to take you, with me, on a Mystic’s journey. Again, we are going to use the power of Stillness and Imagination. Letting go of labels, and judgement of what we think is possible or impossible, we will move in the quiet. Breathe and take your focus into a very still place. Sense that Divine Flow of Nature, that stream of energy that has not been tainted. Feel a sense of stability, a sense of benefit, a sense of embracing. Relax. Soak. Get to know that stream, those feeling, When I am there, I ask that Energy Field of Intelligence and Stillness, “Are these forms, these three individuals as representative of other forms in this administration, energetically, reflective of our Divine Nature of Good, Inclusive, All?" As I listen, the answer comes very clearly, “No”. And so in my mind, with the requisite of No Harm, I ask that these individuals, the imprints from which they came, the intentions swirling within their fields, the agendas they hold, the networks to which they are connected, be freeze framed. Nothing in their configurations can move forward. They are now detained in time. As a Mystic, I want to know where the energy imprints came from. What is the beginning. Going back, what happened? Back through history there have been similar forms, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Lenin. These agendas of control have been among us for a long time. But knowing that is not enough. The seed has to be extracted. I ask to be shown where to remove it and transform the stream into clear harmonics of Good. As I go back farther and am shown three distinct situations. I freeze frame them and go back even farther. Then, like I bump against a wall, a voice says, “You’re here. This is where you can make a powerful change.” I open up my view and I see a child, a young child. I see this young one growing from one to three years, to four years to five. Then, the child is 9 and the story begins. And I see an older man coming into the room in which the child is playing. The child flinches, but the child does not know why. After all, the man has a smile, and he is using words, “Come with me, let’s go do something fun.” He puts his arm around the boy’s shoulder and the boy flinches again but doesn’t know why. I am hearing, “This is grooming. This is grooming and where grooming exists, deception and usury exist. This is the seed.” Time move, the man begins to guide the boy out of the room. ![]()
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I am Sharon Riegie Maynard