1/30/2017 2 Comments What Actions are Most Powerful?![]() In the early 1990’s there was a hue and cry about the use of executive orders, the ability of the President of the United States to make changes at his whim. Many in my community were signing petitions and making calls to their elected officials. I was just beginning to understand the Energy Field in which humanity, indeed all life, existed. I was more focused on the difficulties that my friends and clients were facing, the repeating patterns of sabotage and the limited nature of their lives. I was at the “affirmation” level of the New Age, Personal Growth spectrum. As my friends were becoming anxious about this executive order possibility, I was not. Wondering if I may be missing something very important, I turned to the Spiritual Teachers off planet. These Beings had offered me guidance since 1971. Their suggestions had never led me wrong. Their presence never failed to lift my Spirits during difficult days. I trusted their information because it had been tested for close to 20 years. I asked, “Am I missing clues in regard to the executive order issue? Ought I to be concerned, marching, walking petitions? Where is the best place for my focus and energy?” I “heard” a chuckle and a question. “What if the ‘right’ person was in the position of those orders?” Even back in the early 1990’s, citizens knew that our country’s leaders seemed to be out of touch with what was best for those they governed. Agendas and systems were swinging focus away from people to profits and the burden on the masses was beginning to be felt. The ‘right’ person? Sure. If that person could swing policy back to listening to and valuing people, could learn to negotiate with other world leaders, could quickly stop the destruction of lands, water and food supply. That would be a benefit. “Your role is to focus on learning and mastering the worlds of Energy. To spend time applying Universal Laws, Personal Agency, the Law of Manifestation and identifying what is keeping Humanity trapped in destructive systems. Don’t worry about the executive order issue.” And so I did what they advised. Now it is 2017. We have a Trump in the seat of President. We have dangerous men and women behind that seat whose agenda is showing up as entrapment, control, domination, separation, and no regard for the Planet that gives us life. Needless to say, I saw that it was time to go back to the Spiritual Teacher, Counselors, Healer, to ask, “What is up!” "Is this the ‘right’ person that you foresaw?" "Yes indeed”, they said. “This outcome, although not inevitable, was very likely given the awareness and consciousness of so many within the United States of America. “Remember Earth’s mission was to provide a space and culture in which the hidden concepts and presence of Outside Invading Societies would be made manifest. Don’t lose sight of that goal. "The message that there was agendas contrary to the Nature of Good that is true within the masses of Humanity, has come in many ways. Those manifestation of agendas to destroy Good can be seen throughout spoken and written history. We need not list them here. “It is the same in an individual’s life. Messages of your own entrapment, limit, sabotage , doubt, fear come into your awareness in multiple, subtle ways. If an individual does not get that the discomfort is a message of their own inner patterns, the pattern will manifest in bigger ways until there is a 2x4 smack to the side of the head. “The 2x4 is inevitable because of the Law of Manifestation if the smaller messages are not heard and the patterns that caused the pain healed/transformed/eliminated. “Trump is the 2x4 for the citizens of there USA. He will continue to make 2x4 hits and the question will be, will citizens get the message?” "What will happen next?", I asked. "It depends. Remember, we are speaking from a much larger picture than many on Earth hold. We are speaking of the greater mission, beyond comfortable living. The real message is, Will humanity wake up to a consciousness of the reality that Outsiders and their agendas of Control, Domination, Usury exist and are now taking form, creating systems, demolished all that would cause life for those in the USA to thrive? “Or will the citizens continue to life under any concept that excuses, normals, suggests negotiating with, encourages powerlessness, instead of naming the insanity of the Outsider’s Agenda?” Then I asked, "What can individuals do even if they have no or little understanding of what you are sharing?"
“REMEMBER, Once you have tasted GOOD, you will know with assuredly what is NOT.”
Teresa Bain
1/30/2017 18:24:58
Important reminder that going within is probably even more important when the world seems to be in such chaos.
1/30/2017 19:43:53
You are so right Teresa. Our voice of authority is heard there and as we see what is NOT Acceptable, those in Spirit are the ones who will answer and help make changes.
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I am Sharon Riegie Maynard