![]() You cannot focus on women without including men’s story in the telling. It is not because we have lived in both bodies and we need to balance. It is because each gender had a valuable mission and the missions worked together. For a long time those missions were to create foundations and secure all aspects of Good for humanity. It was perfect for thousands of years, until all %@# broke loose! We’ve talked about the Original Female mission to design space, create policy and establish a thriving culture. Then, she was to be the guardian of the culture into which the Mission force was birthed. I have suggested that Mahatma Gandhi is a good example of Female Mission. The Male mission was to stay connected to the life force of home through his Crown Chakra. At the appropriate time, his Heart Chakra would open and be his guidance system. Christ’s focus on Love and a Heart Directed life is a great example of Male Mission. How do those Missions weave together into Respectful Partnering? This is where the Ancients come in. They hold the history that causes our present situation to make sense. In the worlds we inhabited before Earth, our family had been invaded by Outsiders whose agendas were to dominate and/or to use others. Through deceit, trickery, lies and eventually violence, they had gained ownership over those of the Light and we existed within three energy cultures: Good/Light, Domination/Control and Usury/Abuse. What we see in our physical world today is a reflection of the state of slavery that existed in the Galactic worlds before Earth. Because of the Outsiders and their agendas of Domination and Usury, the Families of Light existed as enslaved Being holding on to the hope of Sovereignty. We were consciousnesses of Light heritage, yet the Outside masters had imprinted an ownership mark in our energy fields. In order to break free, Earth was planned. For the plan to work, blueprints for 2 Earth body suits were designed. One, the Male, would carry two ownership imprints and he remained a monitored target and slave. The Male body suit could be used at will by the Outsiders. (We will be talking more about this next week.) However, this left the second Earth body suit, Female, free of ownership. Because Outsider’s energy are from low vibrations, the Soul member on Male mission was safer if activities and focus was in the Higher frequencies, The Crown and Heart Chakra. Staying at the Higher Frequencies, it would appear to those monitoring as if nothing was happening on this new planet. That would keep both Male and Female safe temporarily. What the Outsiders would see is Males in meditation states. ![]() This clever plan kept the Outsiders unaware of the extreme mission of the Female to clear all Outside energies back to their home of origin. That was to be the Family’s ultimate safety. Her Mission would come restore our Divine and Sacred State of Sovereignty. So, the Male was to function from three Chakra Centers:
Once the Females had opened and activated their initial 5 Centers, the extreme Female mission would be activated and completed from here 6th center, the Solar Plexus. When the clearing of all Domination and Usury energies had been accomplished, then the Male was out of harm’s way, could eliminate the ownership imprints and work in the slower frequencies of Earth. Here is the path of the Male as defined by each chakra: First - Causal: Located at least 18 inches above the crown chakra, this chakra is the pace for the Soul to go over the life plan's before accepting them and moving into birth. "This is my body, my life and I come with planned purpose." Second - Crown: This is the connection point to Source energy as it moves through the Sun. This connection is critical for a male's mission because the Outsiders cannot access the higher vibrations. The Male holds connections to flow the re-calibrated energies into the world to strengthen and nourish. Third - Heart: The Heart center is the base for the Male's choices. It is his way of functioning and identifying what Female design resonates with his heart. Males were intended to remain at this point until the Females had completed her basic steps of connecting to the Earth, looking from the Base chakra to identify needs, working with the creative, manifesting chakra to create a design and bringing that design into reality and then activating the next step of her mission at the Solar Plexus. That is the power center for Females to discern what energies will expand Good and what energies will cause greater constrictions, dominations and usury. According to the Divine Plan, once the Females had used their authority to cleanse the Divine Family's energy fields of all Outsider energy, the Male was safe to connect to the Earth and work with the Great Mother. You can compare the two paths by reviewing this blog about the Female unfoldment. ![]() Consider that the Male Mission is to nurture, to be Heart centered, to be Heart guided and to bring strength and commitment to the one whose designs make his heart sing. How does that change how you look at men in your life? I’d love to have you leave a word or two in our comment community. That word? “What did this article trigger for you? Every week I send out an email with information to break down the walls that keep humanity trapped. Short, specific, empowering pieces like this one. YES! sign me up! Click here....
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I am Sharon Riegie Maynard