2/23/2016 0 Comments Dreaming Awake Our AncestorsThe Lost Female Mission....Female sculptures in this post by Sandy Wolk ![]() For eons, women have lived under someone else’s rules. They have helped others (usually the man in her life) succeed at their dreams. Women have lived within discrediting cultures; what they know is not enough, what they do is not enough, who they are is not enough. They have been the back bone of everyone’s life and yet discounted and treated as less valuable than men. Their own life has been unattended. For me, that discrediting was subtle. As a daughter I learned to take on yard chores so that my father could do his religious work. I took on the major responsibilities for the children and home so that my husband could try his hand at various job options. As a result, by the time my children were raised, I had forgotten what I loved. The best I could remember is that in high school I had wished to be a better artist, I loved colors. I am not alone in having lost my way. ![]() In 1997 I met a Native American filmmaker. He had documented three young Native men who had gone into a jungle cave in South America. This is where the bones of their ancestral lay. They committed to stay in the cave and the jungle until they had “dreamed awake” the bones of their decimated tribe. I said how impressed I was with their actions. The filmmaker turned to me and challenged, “When are you going to dream awake the bones of your ancestors?” In confusion I asked, “What?” “The women,” was his only reply. It was not suggested that I research, or study history to bring back our Ancient Mothers. But that I “dream” them awake. The Original Female Mission has been decimated, hidden. It has been raped and tortured out of us. We have lost our way and we don’t know it. Women have been so squashed that we in the West consider ourselves “privileged” when we are really Stepford Wives living in subtle forms of occupation. My “dreaming” took me back to The Ancient Ones and truths they have held for us. At least 800,000 years ago there were souls on this planet. If we imagine that they acted from the Original plan as Male and Female, what would their story be? Editor: Here is a narrative story line from the Ancient One’s teachings. I will use Male, Female and then the names from the Judeo-Christian story of The Garden. In 1997 I met a Native American filmmaker. He had documented three young Native men who had gone into a jungle cave in South America. This is where the bones of their ancestral lay. They committed to stay in the cave and the jungle until they had “dreamed awake” the bones of their decimated tribe. I said how impressed I was with their actions. The filmmaker turned to me and challenged, “When are you going to dream away the bones of your ancestors?” In confusion I asked, “What?” “The women,” was his only reply. It was not suggested that I research, or study history to bring back our Ancient Mothers. But that I “dream” them awake. The Original Female Mission has been decimated, hidden. It has been raped and tortured out of us. We have lost our way and we don’t know it. Women have been so squashed that we in the West consider ourselves “privileged” when we are really Stepford Wives living in subtle forms of occupation. My “dreaming” took me back to The Ancient Ones and truths they have held for us. At least 800,000 years ago there were souls on this planet. If we imagine that they acted from the Original plan as Male and Female, what would their story be? Editor: Here is a narrative story line from the Ancient One’s teachings. I will use Male, Female and then the names from the Judeo-Christian story of The Garden. ![]() After checking out the life plans at the Causal Center, the Soul moving into the Male body suit agreed and slipped into the Earth body suit. Once he had landed, he spent the daylight time walking the new planet to get used to this solid Earth body. He tried out the systems, adjusted the openings for vision, worked the appendages for movement and grasping of objects. It had been well planned and he was happy with the suit. It was proving to be capable of moving him on this new home. Male/Adam’s walk about was the initial test of this new planet-sphere, the system, the balance and it gave time for fine tuning. This was a lonely time, a dangerous one for he was monitored by those who owned the Greater family. Plans were for him to stay connected to the unseen spiritual guidance. In this way, the Outsiders would think he was just a lazy “slave” exploring this new planet. Although a target, his love for his Greater Family provided him strength and commitment. As Adam and his team worked to make adjustments, another team worked with the Soul who was to inhabit the Female body suit. They knew this plan would be a touchy business. It was certainly wrought with potential dangers for both Adam and Female/Eve. However, the possibility of freedom, of sovereignty and return to the Divine Agenda was worth the gamble. And so, while monitoring Adam’s progressions, Female/Eve and her team used the information gathered to inform her mission. At Control Central/ the Causal Center, Eve gathered with her team. This was the day. Adam had done a great job of surveying this new planet. Working from his information her team had been able to make adjustments to provide the best possibilities for Female/Eve’s mission. Now it was time for this Soul to move into her Earth suit. Everyone hoped that the body suit, free of outsider’s contracts would give her the necessary invisibility. If the outside owners knew that the family was planning a way out of slavery, they would move to crush the Earth volunteers. ![]() After checking out the life plans at the Causal Center, the Soul moving into the Male body suit agreed and slipped into the Earth body suit. Once he had landed, he spent the daylight time walking the new planet to get used to this solid Earth body. He tried out the systems, adjusted the openings for vision, worked the appendages for movement and grasping of objects. It had been well planned and he was happy with the suit. It was proving to be capable of moving him on this new home. Male/Adam’s walk about was the initial test of this new planet-sphere, the system, the balance and it gave time for fine tuning. This was a lonely time, a dangerous one for he was monitored by those who owned the Greater family. Plans were for him to stay connected to the unseen spiritual guidance. In this way, the Outsiders would think he was just a lazy “slave” exploring this new planet. Although a target, his love for his Greater Family provided him strength and commitment. As Adam and his team worked to make adjustments, another team worked with the Soul who was to inhabit the Female body suit. They knew this plan would be a touchy business. It was certainly wrought with potential dangers for both Adam and Female/Eve. However, the possibility of freedom, of sovereignty and return to the Divine Agenda was worth the gamble. And so, while monitoring Adam’s progressions, Female/Eve and her team used the information gathered to inform her mission. At Control Central/ the Causal Center, Eve gathered with her team. This was the day. Adam had done a great job of surveying this new planet. Working from his information her team had been able to make adjustments to provide the best possibilities for Female/Eve’s mission. Now it was time for this Soul to move into her Earth suit. Everyone hoped that the body suit, free of outsider’s contracts would give her the necessary invisibility. If the outside owners knew that the family was planning a way out of slavery, they would move to crush the Earth volunteers. ![]() As she moved through her Feet centers, Female/Eve was lost in her thoughts. Then the deeper, rich body of Earth enfolded her and she heard a gentle voice laughing and calling her name. “Eve, you’re here! Finally! Isn’t it amazing to actually see and touch what had existed only in our vision?” And appearing, arms outstretched, was her dear friend, the intelligence that was holding the space for Earth. They spoke of the energy that was coming in from Home and the adjustments made by the recalibration team. The current level seemed to satisfy the current needs with enough excess that Earth could handle this storage as intended. Mother Earth spoke, “My team has played a bit with the food supply. It is a beginning. They have been running a few tests as they waited for you. “I know that when you begin designing a more extensive network of supply for the mission group, we will have to have an increase in energy levels. We have found some issues that we had not thought of but putting our minds together we have been able to come up with some amazing solutions,” said Gaia as she and Female/Eve solidified their commitment to mission. While Female/Eve activated her base center to survey needs and the creative center to make and design plans, her interactions were with the intelligence of Gaia. This preserved the safety of the mission. By not involving the Male/Adam the Outsiders watching him had no hint of the rebellion being set in place. The sovereign Female/Eve and the intelligence of Mother Earth could work and all were safe. So, Female/Eve worked with Gaia as Female/Eve determined needs and made plans to fill those needs. She designed the Garden, what would be planted, where there would be restful benches, what flowers would lift the Soul, etc. for the Good of All. She was the architect who designed Space. What does that say about women today? That they are the ones intended to design systems, create policy, negotiate benefits, vision into being All culture. The voice of Woman is the voice of Leadership.
Are you designing your own space, your own life, your own home, your own schedule in ways that bring benefit to All, including yourself? And are you doing it after spending a great deal of time within the energy of Mother Earth? Women are not here to make other’s dreams succeed. They are here to make the dreams, the visions, determine the foundations. And then to have others, especially Heart connected Males, assist in making those dreams real. Step into that Mission and join your Sisters! I send you much Love and Excitement for this journey, More yet to share... ~ Sharon Riegie Maynard Sign up for my regular mailing list here: New offerings: Mini Mystic Luminations Sign up for these nugget teachings via mailings here:
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I am Sharon Riegie Maynard