![]() Today I am going to write with directness. I will begin speaking of what is as well as what has been from so far back in "time" that no-one has memory. What is and has been is that there are three energy streams of life on this planet. Three Family groups. Each family's stream came from their original agenda, an intent from which it "birthed". The agenda is "hard wired" into the very core of each family group. e 3 agendas are:
We are facing the same situation that The Ancient Ones faced before this planet was inhabited. That situation is one that has been forgotten. All families with the Divine agenda to create and experience aspects of Good had become enslaved. Those whose agendas were to dominate or use others gained our enslavement in the same manner that enslavement happens today - through all forms of deceit and violence. These 2 family groups and their agendas are Outsiders on this planet. ![]() Our situations is dire. Why we are here, how we became enslaved is not as important as, "How to get out of bondage". The Ancient Ones thought they had found the answer and yet here we are. Editorial comment: You can go to these free videos to understand the history behind the Gender decision. What Happened? The Ancients had conceived an amazing plan. The planet we call Earth was to be the game board upon which the return to freedom would be possible. This week I am going to focus on only one segment of the plan. A critical part that would assure freedom and authority to some of our Soul family members. Freedom from the rule of the dominators and parasitic usuries was key to our Return to Soul Agenda. Editorial comment: An example of where entrapment has taken us is shown in this video: Women Rising To accomplish our Divine Family's freedom the original plan included 2 Earth body suits. One we have come to call Male. The other we call Female. ![]() Art by Teyjah Now, we Ancient Ones will speak.. "Our Future children. How we wish that our plan had flowed smoothly from the beginning. If so, this planet would today be the Garden, the rejuvenating, enriching experience that is possible here. Alas, we are yet unfinished with our masters. "Therefore, the Codes of Gender are being reaffirmed, anchored and activated. It is hoped that the broadcasting power of their vibrations will awaken the remembrance of mission within each Divine Soul family member. This download and broadcasting will cause questioning, will require letting go of old concepts and will reverberate to shake the walls of separation, of powerlessness, and of confusion within individuals, families, and circles of leadership. These gender missions are the foundation for freeing life on the planet. "And you, our Future Ones, will ask, "What Missions?" "Today our message is simple. The Souls who chose to incarnate into a Male body suit were prepared to carry the ownership marks for 2 Soul members. It is like taking the "chains" from another and to carry both sets as your own. And why would a Soul do that? Out of Love! To free the "Other" is to return authority back to the Divine Families committed to the agenda of Good for All. "The Soul family members who chose to birth into a female body suit, freed of the chains of ownership, had the right and authority to claim, create, and cause Good. From that authority the Female would remove all energies that would take away that Good. "How was it to play out? "Those Outsiders of Domination and Parasitic Usury were constantly monitoring those with "chains". The Outsiders were the masters, the gods over our family. Those soul members in Male bodies would continue to be owned by the Outsiders and had to be obedient to them. "However, the Female body suit was "unseen" on the Earth. Those Soul family members could design and call forth all the sustenance the mission force would need. They could be in intimate relationship to the intelligence of Earth. That intelligence was the base for the Females as they identified the needs and wants of the greater Soul group. All of the Female actions were unseen by the Outsiders. "The mission of those in Female body suits was to design systems, create projects, and set policies to assure a culture in which the Divine Agenda of Good for All could unfold. Their innate abilities assured the vision, the voice, connection to Earth and the authority of Leadership. The Male's mission was to stay connected to the flow of Divine Source and to flow that energy through the body suit's heart center to nourish and strengthen those on Female mission The Male are the Nurturers. "Yes, you are hearing correctly. "Women are the points of visionary LEADERSHIP. "Men are the points of strong NURTURING. ![]() "And those Codes of Gender are now activated to be broadcast throughout the entire Web of Life by way of the Great Network of the Ancients. In the coming weeks we will share more about these valuable Gender Codes. "For now, ponder, question and wonder how your Divine Gender Mission would look. "We remain your Strong, Clear, Committed Ancient Family!" Editorial question: Do you have your personal Sacred Sovereign Space set up? As the vibrations calling for our return to our Divine expand and speed up, it will serve you to have a stable place within the network. Here is how: Sacred Sovereign Space and Red Rock The end? NO! More about Gender Codes to come… I send you much Love and Excitement for this journey, ~ Sharon Riegie Maynard Sign up for my mailing list.
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I am Sharon Riegie Maynard