1/24/2020 1 Comment Impeachment and Domestic AbuseFor years I have been wearing house slippers with a leather string threaded through the upper part of the slipper to tie in the front. For all of those years, one or the other or both of the leather bows has become undone to hang onto the floor. It is a situation made for disaster. One step onto a loosened string and I would fall face first onto the floor. And yet, it was only this morning that I took out a pair of scissors and cut off the string to a safe size. What took so long? Why do we tolerate what is dangerous to us? Impeachment, on a larger scale, shows what happens within an abused person's life. She, usually a she, trusts the words of charismatic man without being assured that his words are congruent with his actions. And, because deceit may take time to appear, even with due diligence, she may link herself to him. When abuse begins, she is shocked, mis-trusts herself, "did she really see her experience correctly"? He sends roses, says, "sorry", and the undeserved loyalty takes over. She tries again. She'll do better this time, walk on eggshells to do it right. And, yes indeed, again abuse pops. She questions what she did "wrong". His words melt away her own sense of reality, she sides with him against her own best interests. Each time returns to the game with an eroded sense of reality, doubting her own experience, and the cycle continues. Abuse is normalized, her energy and self-worth are sucked away. If she does reach out, it is not unusual that when she tells others of the abuse, they reflect her own doubts, label her as "out of control" or "unbalanced". Fake news, you know. When you add the dimension of genetic patterns of trauma that are triggered, ancient inner voices of "you are not enough" ringing through her head, with none of these being addressed and healed, you have a disaster in the making. For those who work in the unseen energy fields, there is an even more dangerous component to this story, the energy and influence from outside forces whose agendas are to control and dominate, parasitic by nature. These beings thrive on energy created by abuse, doubt, powerlessness, pain, etc. They swarm to the situation anchoring in the home, on and within the bodies of the individuals. Planting themselves, they have left a clear path for others of their ilk to join them. You may find the concept that there are those in our midst, who want to own, dominate and control very uncomfortable. Those parasitic beings hope that you do. Because, if you do not identify them, their agenda, and power to escalate, we will NEVER be free of them.
The Parasitic's primary aim is to attach themselves to weakened women. A weakened women is the parasitic's "host" of choice. Keeping women, specifically, confused, lonely, believing they are 'Not Enough', removes the very ones who were intended to be the authority voice with zero tolerance for domination and control anywhere in the world. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? It is NOT the Male in Patriarchy that is the problem. The Patriarchy is the creation of the Outsider Parasitics. The Problem is that the authority voice of women was crushed along with the serpent eons ago. It is the Souls in Female body suits who have not done their job! Their lack of Presence, Safeguard, Authority allowed the situations in our world today! The impeachment gives all women the opportunity to Pick Up the Torch of Authority, And with that True Voice, to Turn To Those Intended to Help.... the unlimited teams of integrity in the Unseen Worlds, I call, the PTO. We have also been asking for change to the wrong group... elected officials in physical bodies. Turn to the Ones intended to hear the cries of those in Female bodies, the PTO teams with Archangels in the spiritual realms. Roar, Pray, Demand, to those in the unseen worlds, NO MORE, NOT Acceptable, Remove the Outsiders! During the length of the impeachment trial, we have the opportunity to continue that demand day and night around the world. How? At any sight, sense, thought, statement, or concept that feels "off" , Declare to the unseen PTO teams, "NOT Acceptable! Bring out the vacuum of removal!" Maintain that stand and declaration every minute, if necessary, until you feel an inner sense of calm. You are invited to do this during the ongoing impeachment, using the proceedings as a surrogate for ALL situations of deceit, domination, and abuse. Sisters, we, meaning our ancestral mothers, were crushed eons ago which allowed the culture of supremacy, racism, patriarchy, we see today to exist. WE are the key to removing the agendas which created this culture which will cause supremacy, racism, patriarchy to be dismantled. Do you understand? Good. Feel your roots going deep into Mother Earth to entwine in Strength of Sisterhood. From that Rooted place, Stand, Roar, Lead. More information of the PTO Sacred Ground Academy for classes
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I am Sharon Riegie Maynard