5/17/2016 0 Comments Stepping Back to See the LieI just began a book titled, Believing the Lie. It opens with a poem by William Blake. “This life’s dim windows of the soul “Distorts the heavens from pole to pole “And leads you to believe a lie “When you see with, not through, the eye.” In the early part of my career I asked my Spiritual teachers, The Ancients Ones, “What is the greatest polluter of energy on the planet?” Their answer surprised me. “It is the misuse of sexuality.” Seeing sexuality with only the interpretations around me, I was puzzled. “What is the correct use?” was my next question. “You are not able to comprehend how it was to be,” they said. They could have added, “You have been living in the lie too long, and are unable to see through the lies of the physical.” You have heard the statement, “If you don’t remember the past, you are doomed to repeat it.” That statement is an example of a lie that we believe and live within. Werner Erhard exposed the lie when he said, “Knowing/understanding is the booby prize”. ![]() If we only know and remember history, ours or the greater, we are bound to repeat it. Bound too! Knowing keeps the pattern alive in our minds. And, because the Law of Manifestation exists on this planet, holding a pattern in mind causes it to repeat and repeat and repeat. The Law says any “imprint” in the unseen energy fields will eventually show up in your emotions, your mental constructs and then in physical situations. The Law of Manifestation is just as sure as the Law of Gravity which assures that if you throw yourself off a five story building, no matter how much you wish to fly, your body will hit the ground like a rock. Old imprints, no matter where they come from, past, present or future plans, will show up in your life. And so, Knowing does not transform or change. So, what is the missing piece? YOU! You can make choices as to what imprints to transform/eliminate and which to embrace/repeat. YOU are the missing piece. History on the Game Board of Life is where you exert your Ability to Discern and step into your Power to Transform. Living in the Lie is the problem with our world today. The stories that we have been told and the stories that we made up to try and make sense of our experiences have become “set in stone truths”. And, when we look around our lives and our world, we see where those stories have taken us; separated, limited, struggling, depressed, diseased and then the “leaders” decided to throw “terrorists’ into the mix just to amp up our fear and mis-trust. I count myself fortunate that I was born with a deep curiosity. “Why” was my go-to word. “Why” has served me well as I looked at the end results of my own personal set of tribal stories. Granted, I didn’t begin questioning those stories until my 40’s while many began in childhood. Anyway, with my “why” questions, my Spiritual teachers unfolded a very different greater history. Knowing the history made it possible for me and others to go back in time and space, to work with powerful Spiritual teams and change and transform history. You can too. I have created a booklet, Manifestation Simplified, FREE for you. Next week I will share an overview of our Soul’s History from the worlds before Earth was planned.
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I am Sharon Riegie Maynard