8/16/2016 0 Comments What is Your Divine Connection?![]() The truth of our History is that Our Earth Mission was Bush-Whacked. Look at the timeline I shared in my last posting Earth History Time Line Created by Archeologists 600,000 years ago Neanderthal Body 200,000 years ago Cro-Magnon Body 195,000 years ago Homo-Sapien Body 40,000 years ago Neanderthals disappeared 38,000 years ago Earliest dated feminine statue 10,000 BC Appearance of male rule/patriarchy 2000 BC First indication of myths 500 BC Earliest indications of gods 6 BC Story of Christ 3 BC Writings that formed the Old Testament 64 AD - 300 AD Christianity formed 2016 Present day Review: Our Divine Families aliveness/awareness exists well before Earth and had experiences in Spiritual, Galactic worlds. In those worlds, because of our naivety, we made alliances with Outside societies whose agendas were to Control or to Use others. Those societies used any means to achieve their goal and that includes deceit, violence, secrecy, and more. Once that invasion had begun, we found ourselves more and more entrapped, unable to live our agenda which was to choose and experience any aspects of All Good. The plan to get out from under this entrapment included a new planet, Earth. The mission was very well thought out and some members of the Divine Families volunteered. ![]() It looked something like this. One Soul would incarnate into a male body suit and carry two contracts, one for “self” and one for “other”. Because of those contracts, this Soul remained under the ownership of the Outsiders. We understood that would be the case. However, we planned it because the “other” could incarnate into a female body suit and be totally invisible to the Outsiders. This invisibility made it possible for “her” to work in slower energy dimensions of Earth, to design systems, create policy, find places to settle, grow food. It also made it possible for her to have authority and issue commands that the Outsiders would have to obey. When the first groups of male and female volunteers incarnated into the physical body suits the male design was strongly connected to the Crown chakra and then the Heart chakra. His jobs were to stay positively aligned with the flow of All Good and to use his Heart to discover which female’s design and plans excited his Heart. Then he would bring commitment and nourishment to her and her work. The female mission was to immediately connect to the Earth Intelligence Chakra and learn her rhythms. Then move to the Base Chakra to look around this new planet and determine what would be needed for this mission force to thrive. From that insight, she would design plans and actions steps. From the Base, she would open the Creative Chakra and use the Law of Manifestation and power of Personal Free Agency to call this plan into being. All the while she relied on the supportive rhythms of Earth and the Heart nourishment of the male. Those in female body suits literally “gave life” to the entire mission force. The male was acting as decoy, staying as quiet as possible, letting his Heart choose the female and plans through Love, and strongly nurture. This was not about “multiple and replenish” and so the numbers in physical body suits remained consistent. ![]() This type of living fits very well with what we have learned about the Neanderthals and also hints at the concept of Goddess. The Ancients Ones tell of a time when the Outsiders discovered that there was an “extra” body on the planet. When this occurred, they re-engineered the body suit. They rewired the systems in both suits. The wiring bypassed the Heart chakra in the male suit and anchored it in the Creative chakra of gonads. They unplugged the wiring from the Solar Plexus, power center of the female, and anchored into the Heart. This left the male without the guidance and strength of this Heart. The change left the female without the discerning system of her belly wisdom that was intended to identify Outsider energy in order to remove them to their Original Home. This corresponds with the introduction of the Cro-Magnon body and lack of evidence that it “evolved” from the Neanderthal. Next, the Outsiders totally replaced the blue-print of the physical body suit with one of their own. This body suit had 2 stands of DNA that activated the Base and the Sexual/Creative. Those were the only centers needed for the slave planet they visioned. They also decreed “multiply and replenish”, female obey male, male is in “my image”, “women can no longer create effortlessly”, female sinned when they learned to discern that Good AND Evil existed on this planet, etc. The Garden of Eden myth corresponds with this bushwhacking of our Divine plan and mission. We live in unlimited fields of Energy. Energy contains information, all types of information. When we consider what we connect to as our Source, our Higher Power, God, Goddess, etc. we are speaking of aspects within this unlimited field of unseen energy. Each aspect carries unique information, intelligence, qualities, values, and agendas. To open to that vast field without clarifying the type of information you would find valuable is like walking into the most dangerous area of town loaded with all of your valuables and saying, "Who wants to tell me what I ought to do with all the valuables I have accumulated?” So, when you are looking for a Divine Connection, take this history into account. In the Beginning that has No Beginning, those on Earth Mission, including you, are aspects/consciousnesses/intelligences of All Good, and Inclusive Presence. That is about as far “upstream” as we can imagine. From our 3-D physical end of the energy flow we often feel alone, disconnected, powerless , empty and in that emptiness, we attach ourselves to something Bigger than ourselves. That is neither good nor bad. Just be aware and conscious as to where you choose to connect. Don’t act in “reject of” or “oblivious to the mix” within the concepts of Divine, Source, God, Goddess. ![]() Without distinguishing, the word ‘god’, ‘goddess, ‘Source’ is a mixture of the values which includes the qualities of the Outsider agenda of Control and Greed and the values and qualitiesWithout distinguishing, the word ‘god’, ‘goddess, ‘Source’ is a mixture of the values which includes the qualities of the Outsider agenda of Control and Greed and the values and qualities of the Outsider agenda of Usury and Deceit and the values and qualities of our Divine Families of Good The steps to take: Distinguish the qualities and values you require of your Spiritual teachers and guides to Greater. Own your Greater Self and mission. A very powerful way to do these two things is to write Reality Statements: The qualities and values of my Spiritual teachers and guides to Greater are _______ . I am an aspect of in community of All Good. I have a Divine Mission. I understand and use the Laws of Manifestation and Personal Authority to align to my Spiritual family in Being My Soul’s Truth. I take back my Life Force and move from all Survival systems and connect into communities of Sovereignty and Divine Good. Use the Statements for each new choice within Reality Shift Process and Brain Balance. Let's see where the application of this takes you! Let me know... Blessings, Sharon Riegie-
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I am Sharon Riegie Maynard